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Twitter changes… to resemble Minds, and to commit suicide

The news has come out that they would like changes to Twitter to cope with the continuous hemorrhage of members, especially following the extremely decisive positions from a political point of view taken with the ban on Trump and a large part of the American right.

To regain ground, Twitter invents a new monetization tool for "Influencers", that is, "Super followers", people willing to pay a monthly subscription and, in exchange, to access special content. It is a tool that should serve to attract big influencers who think they can make money, in an additional way than sponsorships, with Twitter.

This is an unoriginal move that will have an undesirable effect for a social network:

  • first of all it has already been implemented, in text-based social networks, by Minds;
  • therefore it will make the stay even less interesting for “Normal” people, people who just want to interface with some VIPs;
  • finally, while Minds also accepts very long texts, the limitation of 260 letters remains for Twitter. Why charge something for such a short text?

The move of Twitter therefore tries to make the social network more elitist, to make it more and more a place where few VIPs express themselves, perhaps in an arcane way, for their "Followers" and the rest remains passive. Among other things, what will prevent a "Super follower" from reposting confidential content?

Minds, which was born, among other things, from an initiative with a completely different technological structure, is presented as much more advanced also from the point of view of payments, with support for cryptocurrencies and, in themselves, Minds tokens have a low value, practically little more than symbolic, allowing, in reality, more than anything else to collect only the interested parties, rather than becoming an income tool for influencers.

Currently Twitter already provides a deviated idea of ​​reality, with the "Superfollower" system it will be even more distorted, but bringing back "Not approved" users could be too dangerous … Better Minds.

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The Twitter article changes… to resemble Minds, and to commit suicide it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/twitter-cambia-per-somigliare-a-minds-e-per-suicidarsi/ on Sat, 27 Feb 2021 17:51:16 +0000.