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Has technology replaced the family?

Has technology replaced the family?

Today's paradox consists in ascertaining a basic lack of communication in the society defined as "communication", starting from the family context. The article by Francesco Provinciali

Are we still able to relate in an authentic way, to understand each other and make ourselves understood?

In our communications, images prevail over dialogue, immediacy over reflection: the media message is not an extension of the word in the world but its negation.

Today's paradox consists in ascertaining a basic lack of communication in the society defined as "communication", starting from the family context.

Among the many responsibilities there are also those that concern our daily behaviors.

Let's reflect together on everything that society is slowly losing: ethical sense, values ​​(replaced by opinions); traditions, hierarchies, the founding value of the family, the pedagogical value of example, the method of "meekness", the sense of "limit", "dignity" and "shame", the concept of "normality" (everything is exasperated , the extraordinary effect prevails: you have to “amaze”).

We can affirm that all the phenomena of distress have an individual matrix but also a social matrix, starting with those that occur in the context of the family.

Just read the headlines but TV also has its responsibilities.

There are programs in bad taste that incite violence from early childhood, that urge the search for success at any cost, that offer fiction and reality shows full of absolutely ephemeral and negative behavioral and ethical models.

It can be said that often the TV informs about the news but misinforms about life.

The logic of marketing and audience rankings prevail, even the news programs themselves do not shy away from proposing silly opinion polls on facts that would require more caution and more confidentiality.

The lack of "filters" and merit controls generates indiscriminate use of new technologies by children: ease of access, non-compliance in the television schedules of protected groups with a systematic violation of the self-regulation code on minors, intrusive use of sophisticated video phones (which has introduced a real technological derivative of bullying, namely "cyberbulling", which consists of violence carried out with electronic forms) have generated new models of social behavior and new management problems also in terms of protection (privacy, violations, personal freedoms, revenge porn).

The new technologies end up becoming in the careless hands of the children a tool of deregulation, a real competitor in educational terms with respect to the teachings that should be promoted by the family and the school, which are thus delegitimized.

But can we call family that relational context where we exchange a few ritual jokes, where at the table everyone fiddles with his mobile phone, where we meet to eat and sleep but with our thoughts turned elsewhere?

The family is often invoked as an extreme bulwark for the defense of the values ​​that govern civil coexistence but often one gets the impression that it is fought and opposed rather than helped.

Starting with the same "setting up a home" that puts young couples in debt in mortgages with very often unsustainable costs, generating shadows of concern about the serenity of the family context and daily coexistence.

Yet the family should be the place of gratuitousness and the sincerity of affective relationships. The starting and returning point of a relationship based on communication and the prevalence of feelings.

Exactly what instead is failing in the life horizons of our intimate daily life.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/la-tecnologia-si-e-sostituita-alla-famiglia/ on Sat, 06 Aug 2022 05:32:54 +0000.