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Evidence of regime: full powers, intolerance of the tolerant, the ferocity of the “good”, Mattarella’s silence-assent

There are the striking, constitutional – indeed, anti-constitutional – aspects of a regime in progress: full powers, the reiteration of the emergency terror, the opponents sent to trial, the censorship on the resolutions of the virological Sanhedrin. And then there are the spies, the signals that pass and go but are no less serious, less alarming: these preparatory to those. Apparent result of recklessness, of adventurism but perhaps it is the opposite, a subtle, self-healing torture, a continuous and methodical psychological pressure. There are marines sent to patrol the beach in Ventimiglia as if it were Normandy, soldiers in gear against very dangerous swimmers; there is the police lowered in the undergrounds of the subway to intimidate, to fine those who in the overheated underworld cannot bear the mask and drop it; there is the psychopolice of the decree laws "against homophobia", phobic norms per se, against all dissent, masks for the mind, masks on masks; and there is the hasty, blatant influx of more or less infected illegal immigrants, all mocking, some in a tourist setting complete with dogs and cats, and the government defends them, says in no uncertain terms that it takes even more, always more and those who disagree are intolerant and must be neutralized.

There is the new frontier of "denial", a hateful dimension, a Nazi stigma with which to brand any objection, from the lethality of a virus now deflated to the observation of sexual diversity to intolerance towards a parasitic class that lands, breaks down, demands, invades. There are targeted campaigns against dissident scientists. There are the rare eccentric artists, a la Bocelli, immediately massacred and induced to self-dafe: either you take back what you said or you no longer work and we will make you go from tenor to cripple, from nightingale to blind. And Bocelli sketches, faithful to Don Abbondio's maxim, if one does not have the courage, he cannot give it, or at least he cannot keep it.

The intolerance of the tolerant, the ferocity of the good knows no bounds, and this hysteria is a typical sign of flourishing dictatorships. Always biased, immoral, they have taken a sinister exaltation that does not accept moderation whatsoever, for Salvini, accused (even by the writer) of excessive moderation, they are preparing a treatment that, in terms of virulence, risks making those reserved at the time pale to Craxi, to Berlusconi; he has them all against, everyone bites him for a while, yesterday there was an infamous cartoon of him with his daughter and, behind, a lifeless little body on the shore: "Dad, who is that?" . “Nobody, dear, it's nobody” . Criminal code stuff but nobody breathes.

They are not random acts, they are precise clues, they are warnings. In all this, President Mattarella does not see, hear and speak, loyal to the custom of silent assent; everything lets go, everything lets pass a president who should be "of all Italians" : and even this does not leave you in peace, it does not prelude to anything good. Worst of all, the lack of antibodies: those who protest, do it on Twitter , in an increasingly tired, resigned way; the opposition newspapers do what they can, but the collaborationist propaganda is strong, it is spread, if in Berlin 15,000 take to the streets to say enough to the ex Covid restrictions, Commissioner Gentiloni immediately dubbed them as criminals, as dangerous massacres, as if to say: do not dare in Italy, because we have the means to control you, to send you back to the kennel.

There is a strategy of lies and servility that goes beyond shame and the self-styled straight-backed ones continue it, those who always accuse everyone of being sold, prostrate, "slurp slurp" . Huge scandals like Alitalia or Autostrade after a day pass in the cavalry, not to mention that of the judiciary, the Palamara case which has already been reduced to a speck, a sort of Citizen of judicial quarrels who even allows himself a certain self-irony; meanwhile they interview him, invite him to conferences… The normality of the unclean, of the frightening. The judges, all of whom frequented the Piddino politburo, said to each other: “What is this Salvini doing? He doesn't do anything wrong, he applies the laws, how can you prosecute him if he's right? " . “And precisely because he is right we must crush him, we must destroy him” . And they destroy him, the Senate rules as if those admissions did not exist, sends him to trial and then other scarlet robes will think about applying the laws, from the distorted penal code to Severino which is an opprobrium, the typical authoritarian rule.

The optimists say: but you will have to vote. Yes, but they are capable of any kind of filth, even of inventing return deaths that do not exist, even of finishing drying up a country that is already gasping and gasping. There is no transparency about anything, if Conte imposes the gag on the errors and lies of the committees, the incomparable Azzolina, and this has been noticed in a few, denies any transparency on the competition for school leaders in 2017, in which she was directly involved. To the point that a "transparency and participation" committee has arisen and some Brothers of Italy parliamentarians have announced a question "to ask for the source code to be made available, in order to guarantee the regularity of the selection process". But even a minister like this Azzolina can laugh at him: he knows that these are times, perhaps transitory, but which meanwhile allow any overturning of political ethics, of practice, of respect for the Constitution. Times of marines , of intimidation, of letters and scarlet robes. As if to say: these are the signs that indicate a regime that is no longer democratic and less and less democratic. The sooner you understand this, the better it will be for you.

The post Regime trials: full powers, the intolerance of the tolerant, the ferocity of the “good”, Mattarella's silence-assent appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/prove-di-regime-i-pieni-poteri-la-intolleranza-dei-tolleranti-la-ferocia-dei-buoni-il-silenzio-assenso-di-mattarella/ on Tue, 04 Aug 2020 04:10:00 +0000.