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Economic Scenarios

Borghi: “For the first time Conte told the truth”

Perhaps for the first time in his life Giuseppe Conte told the truth about the ESM, that is, that it is a useless debt whose function is only to put Italy under protection, to bind its current government and, above all, future ones. A trap which, for now, Conte has not lent himself to, but which has seen very strong powers move in the sex of the enslavement of our country.

The interventions of the various Mieli and Riotta, all people who are the expression of the rotten powers of the nation, those who want us under protection. The fact that Salvini resisted these enormous pressures is already heroic, also because the resistance was against the PDL (Forza Italia) and the PD, that is, all consolidated power in Italy. In the end, however, he actually won. Be patient and focused.

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The Borghi article : "For the first time Conte told the truth" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/borghi-per-la-prima-volta-conte-ha-detto-la-verita/ on Mon, 19 Oct 2020 08:25:03 +0000.