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Because the state strike on December 9 is a bad mistake by the unions

Because the state strike on December 9 is a bad mistake by the unions

The strike of 9 December is a sensational mistake, which will cost the union in terms of political authority and irresponsibility and will cause damage to many people who are already struggling under normal conditions to make adequate use of public services. Giuliano Cazzola's comment

The post travels on social networks. It was written and published by Manuele Braghero, a public employee, member of the CGIL and (it is clear from the text) a communist. Use harsh words against the strike proclaimed for December 9 by the federations of public employees. Braghero rightly grasps the unpopularity of an abstention from work in the serious emergency situation in which the country finds itself. Being a public employee (he even defines himself as a civil servant) he does not lend himself to an easy complaint which, although it is reflected in these hours, such as: "the state employees are guaranteed, they do not run the risk of losing their jobs and their salary continues to run equally as if they were working, while they stay at home with the excuse of smart working ''.

There is some truth in these complaints of those who are on layoffs at zero hours, but it is wrong to make a bundle of every herb and attribute to the travet the full range of dysfunction of the entire public administration or deny them that right to renewal employment contracts they have recently been deprived of for a whole decade. But ours grasps the crucial issue of the strike: not abstaining from work at this stage and perhaps adopting different forms of struggle (Braghero also makes innovative proposals '' to proudly claim the renewal of the contract '') would be a way "to redeem ourselves from commonplaces about public employment ''.

Ha region: the consensus of public opinion is a weapon that is worth much more than a botched and unpopular strike (will they send union officials to ring the intercoms to ascertain participation in the struggle?) And carried out on word, because the squares will be empty (to avoid crowds) and the offices are largely closed regardless of the strike. How can those who work remotely abstain from work? With a self-certification or with a selfie that testifies to his move from the dining room to the dining room, away from the PC?

Let's see why the full day strike was called (even in healthcare or will those services be considered essential en bloc?). Here is the laconic statement : "Having acknowledged the outcome of the confrontation between the Government and the trade union confederations CGIL, CISL and UIL, in the absence of the necessary resources to work safely, to start a vast employment planning and to stabilize the precarious and for financing of the renewals of the National Collective Health Agreement, Local Functions and Central Functions, the Fp Cgil, Cisl Fp, Uil Fpl and Uil Pa categories proclaim the national sector strike for 9 December for the entire day or shift, with the guarantee of services minimum essential requirements ".

In short, insufficient resources are foreseen in the budget bill to guarantee contract renewals according to union expectations. This also constitutes a technical blunder, because it is the practice that resources are allocated in the Budget for renewals in order to open a chapter in the budget, with the reservation of assessing the actual costs once the contracts have been negotiated. Have you ever seen an employer – albeit a spendthrift if he uses other people's money – who puts on the table what he is willing to spend before negotiations even begin?

In essence, the strike of 9 December is a sensational mistake, which will cost the union in terms of political authority and irresponsibility and will cause damage to many people who already struggle under normal conditions to make adequate use of public services. It seems that Maurizio Landini, the strong man of confederal trade unionism, also noticed this false step when he declares: “ I hope it is possible not to do the strike of 9 December because I hope that in the next few hours, in the coming days it will be possible make a preliminary comparison to find those resources that allow a return on investment in the public sector.

Then even the leader of the CGIL falls into the pretext trap of the protest against the "insufficient" resources foreseen in the maneuver. Too easy to pretend that there is someone willing to remove the union from the cul de sac in which it has slipped. I think Landini knows the story of the chick lost in the Steppe. Treasure it.



I am a civil servant and also a member of the union.
I find the strike an offense to my history as a civil servant and also to that of a communist.
The country in this dramatic moment must stand on our shoulders and this is the occasion to redeem ourselves from clichés about public employment.
It would be much more serious a white strike to claim dignity and recognition with the payment of a portion of the working day to a union fund for mutual aid for workers most in difficulty.
What would be a nice way to proudly claim the right renewal of the contract.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/perche-lo-sciopero-degli-statali-il-9-dicembre-e-un-erroraccio-dei-sindacati/ on Wed, 25 Nov 2020 11:31:42 +0000.