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All the media and political follies on Covid and the English variant

All the media and political follies on Covid and the English variant

The one against Covid will be a long battle that we cannot fight locked up at home and firing at random at "scapegoats". Cazzola's opinion

They already call it the "British variant" and it seems that it has already crossed the English Channel. Thus the Continent is no longer isolated, as the English meteorologists say when the fog envelops the Canal.

Even in the face of this recent mutation, scientists are already able to pronounce on the course of the virus as if it were the topic of their doctoral thesis. In fact, the Director General of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Gianni Rezza has already framed the problem: "The variant of Sars-CoV2 that is currently circulating in London and in the south east of England – he declared – presents mutations on the surface protein of the virus, the so-called Spike. Although it is hypothesized that these mutations may increase the transmissibility of the virus, they do not seem to alter either the clinical aggression or the response to vaccines ».

“There is just a little fog announcing the sun. Let's go on quietly ”: orders, in the ballad by Francesco De Gregori, the commander of the Titanic shortly before the shipwreck. In essence, the line does not change: we close everything possible even more (if the curve mitigation was inadequate and lower than expectations, it is because we closed too little) waiting for "ours to arrive", the vaccines, to get rid of the and covid-19.

Let me be clear: woe to avoid vaccination , admitted and not granted that we are able to withstand the organizational commitment. But the "English variant" should lead to a reconsideration of the strategy followed up to now. Virus mutation should not be an unexpected event. Far be it from me to pontificate in a subject that I do not know (although I would feel authorized to do so since virologists give the same advice as my grandmother – "Giuliano, stay in the house that is cold" – former agricultural worker with elementary license), but – as a frequent user of the flu vaccine for decades – I remember hearing several times that, in the current year, the strain of the previous one had changed.

It is normal for the virus to mutate sooner or later. This means that there is no – as they have tried to make us believe – that the pandemic can be defeated in a great pitched battle with vaccines, but that it has become part of our daily life, along with many other more or less serious diseases. ; and that in addition to prevention (I would even venture a "first"), it is necessary to equip oneself for treatment: with drugs, therapies and adequate structures. It will be a long battle that we cannot fight locked up at home and firing at random at "scapegoats".

The obsession with the festive stroll is hateful and pretext. We have arrived at the absurdity that two measures are being examined by Parliament: one that allocates 5 billion (10% of 50 billion) to facilitate consumption on holidays as long as purchases are made in stores at km 0 (go back Amazon); another that limits the mobility of people and criminalizes them if they dare to go around masked and spaced out and queue up strictly in front of the shop windows.

Thinking about it, the mitigation strategy has failed dramatically: both on the health side, as well as on the economic and public finance side. The scan "closures in exchange for refreshments" cannot last indefinitely, especially when targeting sectors that do not have any scientific evidence of spreading the contagion (think of schools) and economic activities (such as public establishments, catering and in general private services), which are saved by working (and not with the bonuses for the holders) and ask only to be able to do it safely, on the basis of defined rules.

To avoid deaths we sacrificed the normality of civil life, the economy and work: we had the deaths, the collapse of production, unemployment, the collapse of public finances. And what is more serious, they taught us to see our neighbor as a danger to health and life.

The war on the virus can only be closed with an armistice, but it takes a long time, extraordinary means (will the English variant convince governments to subscribe to the Mes?), The ability to endure. Above all, communication is indispensable that knows how to guide public opinion, deepening the origins and lethality of the virus, also in relation to other causes of death and the spread of more serious diseases.

The simplification of the news is creating real disasters. The belief is now widespread that people die only from covid-19. If someone takes the trouble to bother with the statistics and take stock of the causes of death, perhaps by looking at a brief explanation on the meaning of "syndemia" (or a terminal cancer patient dies for this reason, even if in his last hours of life contracts the contagion) must expect to be silenced because it does not adapt to a "single thought" that increasingly resembles a sharia.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/tutte-le-follie-mediatiche-e-politiche-su-covid-e-variante-inglese/ on Wed, 23 Dec 2020 05:06:37 +0000.