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Betrayed the original principles of the anti-caste movement: 5 Stars increasingly “chaste” and rib of the left

The 5 Star Movement, year after year, political season after political season, has progressively proved to be a gigantic scam. Little by little, all the original principles proclaimed in the now forgotten squares of the Vaffa have been contradicted. That anti-caste movement of citizens, who had to remain so even if elected to Parliament, has become a group of honorable and senators quite fond of their velvety armchair, and willing to take any Pindaric flight in order to preserve it. From the government with Matteo Salvini they have passed to the liaison with the Democratic Party, LeU and Matteo Renzi, and at the moment, they are also trying to swallow Mario Draghi. They have betrayed the transversal nature, beyond the right and the left, of that anti-political protest force set up by Beppe Grillo and Gianroberto Casaleggio.

In fact, with the substantial abandonment of the battles against the euro and the Roman and Brussels bureaucracies, only justicialism and welfarism remained, well interpreted by the citizenship income. Things that the various left particularly like and are rejected by the center-right electorate. Brothers of Italy aside, they are all with Draghi in this phase, but, when the "free all" arrives, at the end of the experience of this government, it is unlikely that the 5 Stars will try to experiment a new alliance with the League or with the entire center-right, and it is also difficult to imagine a solo race, given the halving of that electoral consensus obtained years ago. They will return to the arms of the Democratic Party and the LeU, as yet another rib of the Italian left. Moreover, the previous yellow-red government has cemented a sort of feeling between the M5S and the Pd.

But the list of pentastellate contradictions continues and we arrive at the now evident sinking even of the historic Grillino principle of "one is worth one" , that is, of the inexistence of a real summit, and of equality among all the followers of the Movement, from the famous founders of the last provincial militant. It was already evident for some time, to tell the truth, the presence of commanders and commanders, but the recent moves of Beppe Grillo have also removed the last veil of hypocrisy through which we still persisted in presenting the 5 Star Movement as something different than the rest of the policy. On the other hand, every organization, in order to be able to stay on its feet at all, needs a chain of command and a hierarchy, which must certainly be balanced by instruments of internal democracy, as happens in the best of realities. But the grillino drama is given by the fact that not only one is not worth one, but that someone is worth much more than all the others, since there is in fact no opportunity for internal democracy and debate. Those who no longer find themselves in the official decisions of the Movement, can do nothing but leave, as happened to Gianluigi Paragone and the ayatollah grillino of the first hour Alessandro Di Battista, or, undergo expulsion without fuss, as it is instead happened with the pentastellati parliamentarians who did not vote for confidence in the Draghi government. Basically, they decide everything, they have always decided everything in reality, Beppe Grillo and Casaleggio & Associati , now in the hands of Davide Casaleggio, Gianroberto's son.

This is especially noticeable in crucial moments, that is when it comes to choosing the repositioning in this or that government majority. In the most demanding phases, Grillo is careful not to let his own people, as he once called them, “wonderful boys”, and abandons his Genoa for Rome where he dictates the line, to which it is convenient to conform. He says, hypocritically, to go to the capital in order to "help out", but in reality he goes to maneuver his puppets. All the moves of the M5S, from the government with Matteo Salvini to the yellow-red one, up to the bitter morsel Draghi, have been and are the flour of the sack of Grillo and very few others. Even Giuseppe Conte's investiture as a pentastellato leader was imposed in a more than elitist way. The Rousseau platform remains, but it is increasingly confirmed as a decoy. Never once has this online tool votes in contradiction with what has already been decided by the top management.

The 5 Star Movement is somewhat reminiscent of the ambiguity of service and production cooperatives. The cooperative formula, born in Italy thanks to the push of Communists and Catholics, and having the original purpose of making the workers "masters" of their company, has over time become a way like any other of doing business, but with management costs basically less expensive. In fact, cooperatives have a president, in fact an entrepreneur, who, unlike the so-called working members, has everything from balance sheets to bank loans in hand.

The post The original principles of the anti-caste movement betrayed: 5 Stars increasingly “chaste” and rib of the left appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/traditi-i-principi-originari-di-movimento-anti-casta-5-stelle-sempre-piu-casta-e-costola-della-sinistra/ on Fri, 05 Mar 2021 04:56:00 +0000.