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Even worse before getting out: chronicles from the ship of fools, a frightening drift

I saw a pro vax campaign, which to me really reminds me of dark precedents, of the doctors of Como, relaunched by Repubblica which clearly supports it. There are four kids together, smiling and serene (the only flaw: the color is missing) on ​​one side, and on the other a sad little girl, who hugs a rag doll; below, indeed above, the leaded slogan: vaccinated or … isolated. So I thought stop, stop a moment, but what's going on? Useless question, we have been asking ourselves for 18 months, but at this point the question becomes abysmal, it becomes questioning about the banality of evil. They are all losing their heads and we are beyond mutual hatred, cross fanaticism, delusional accusations of betrayal, the "must die" happily dribbled between no-vax and pro-vax .

We are insanity of a power that shows no signs of repentance and that is infecting peripheral, professional institutions, society that is no longer civil, the Church itself. What's up, brothers? There is this Senator Ronzulli, who actually proposes the destruction of the teaching staff with the same slogan although not expressed: either vaccinated or … suspended without salary. And he speaks for a self-styled liberal party. What happens? The unvaccinated compared to mice, considered worse than dogs, unworthy to enter a bar, a shop, and to say it is people who inform, journalists that the Order does not dream of sanctioning, of stopping. What happens? The army is called for for roundups, and there is a cleric from the press of order who goes so far as to say: either Draghi or the generals. So, in absolute fluency, just to probe, at the limit you can always recite the autodafé in the manner of the arrogant: yes, I said it but you did not understand me, you are illiterate returning, you are rebellious and you are struck down.

What happens? The technocrat Draghi, of whom wonders are inexplicably woven, is convinced that the Green Pass saves life and there is no way to reason with it, he considers it a measure to safeguard freedom rather than the violation of the elementary rights that it actually represents. A lunar way of relating to the reality of normal people, but how many remain normal in this ship of fools where everything is overturned, where are we beyond Newspeak? Nurses, health workers who should treat the sick come to threaten them with death, announce torture on social networks and social networks , which for much less block, close, don't flinch, let it go, let it pass.

In fact they killed the summer and do not care, another exponent of the self-styled liberal party, the Gelmini of Forza Italia, can go on television to say: yes, we understand the damage, the irremediable consequences of the operators, of the traders, but we don't care. What's up, brothers? At the church portal, demonic signs appear, "those who are not vaccinated stay away", with many greetings to St. Francis who kissed the leper, to Jesus Christ who got nailed to save everyone and did not ask for a pass to Heaven. But don't you see that the ship of fools no longer holds, is sinking in a frightful drift? Don't you see what you have done? An old man sits on the edge of a bench, wears a mask, useless, not required, under a copper sun and almost apologizing says: can I? I did both doses… At sea, in the middle of the sea, I heard people talking about vaccines, about the Green Pass .

After fifteen years I had to cancel an event of which I am the artistic director and conductor, an event of historic cars, a story of the best twentieth century, that of technology, automotive engineering, fashion, culture, costume, advertising, music. . An event that attracted 5,000 people every time. This year, the pharaonic and paranoid restrictions imposed by a crazed government would have allowed access to 50 unfortunates, spaced out and masked; I didn't feel like asking them to pass in, out, gestapo checks, I couldn't turn a party into a lager tragedy. In the place where I live, in the whole Region, in the rest of Italy there is a falcidie of events, all abandon, surrender, impossible conditions, unlivable contexts, unsustainable expenditure, and the usual corruption that is generated under a dictatorship that use the bureaucracy of regulations to revive.

And it is not enough, it is never enough, Pregliasco pretends to subject the children to serum, Greta, this puppet stuck everywhere with the blackmail of her psychological condition, goes further, demands the immunization of the fetuses, otherwise we are complicit in global warming. Second-rate singers, after practicing the praise of drugs, treat as poor addicts those who do not accept any insanely liberal measures, a leftist philosopher like Cacciari who disagrees with the paranoid line is defined as a drunkard, a pig, and a Twitterer he wrote: I am happy with the suicide of the death of that pig of De Donno who killed so many patients with his criminal treatments. Then it can be said that the worst of men comes out in the worst situations, but at this point the question is: is there still a limit, a resipiscence, or is the decomposition irreversible and just beginning?

The post Worse before getting out: chronicles from the ship of fools, a frightening drift appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/peggiori-ancora-prima-di-uscirne-cronache-dalla-nave-dei-folli-una-deriva-spaventosa/ on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 03:54:00 +0000.