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From the bad tree, bad fruit: the vexatious spiral of the Green Pass was predictable from the start

Do we gather grapes from thorns, or figs from brambles? Thus, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Any tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. You will therefore recognize them by their fruits (Matthew, 7, 16-20)

The reading of the famous biblical verses reminds us that the vexatious spiral of the restrictive measures adopted to combat the pandemic was possible to foresee from the beginning, because the bad tree of the blame of part of the population, on the basis of specific personal conditions that in the case in argument is to not voluntarily undergo Covid vaccination, it can only produce the bad fruit of repression and dehumanization by the public authorities.

And, in fact, if one scrolls chronologically, even in summary, the events cannot fail to ascertain that they have developed along a vexatiously afflictive direction that has increased in intensity as it proved to be fallacious in its hoped-for outcomes, demonstrating that at the basis of the various measures adopted there was no solid scientific evidence and, indeed, sometimes perhaps they favored the contagion, creating a false feeling of security induced by peremptory, as well as erroneous, utterances by the government authorities.

In the beginning, it was the Green Pass . Few denounced among the general ridicule that the introduction of health certification for the exercise of some constitutionally protected freedoms constituted a serious vulnus . As often happens, those who go against the grain, or testify to the truth in confused times, do not immediately have a large following.

Then, as you will remember, the main argument in favor of the Green Pass , even considered as an "instrument of freedom", was essentially the possibility for the individual to be able to obtain certification optionally with the vaccine, with recovery from the disease, but also with the swab. Therefore, the tool was suitable to act, according to its supporters, as an effective and legitimate incentive for vaccination that still safeguarded the freedom of therapeutic choice, not imposing any vaccination obligation and at the same time allowing the opening of all activities.

In this, almost unanimously shared, interpretation of the measure, some elements were not taken into account that instead could have made it clear that one was beginning to follow a path that would not lead to anything good.

In the first place, the underestimation of the discriminatory nature of the constricting effect, the so-called "gentle push", which the measure aimed to produce, through a series of material impediments that made it extremely difficult for those who decided to carry out a normal social life do not undergo the vaccination cycle. In fact, for many the continuous use of the tampon was, in practice, impracticable due to the high cost it would have involved; for others, however, it could become materially impossible to comply with the time limit, also in light of the rigorous interpretations that had been given to it (the cases of workers expelled during working hours will be remembered because the Green Pass , valid at the beginning of shift, had in the meantime expired); for still others the prolonged use of a tampon for the physical pain / discomfort they felt was unsustainable. All these people suffered indirect discrimination, since the faculty of the tampon was, in fact, impracticable for them due to conditions connected with their economic capacity or the duration of their work or their physical or mental characteristics.

Secondly, the alteration of the genuineness of informed consent on the part of those who underwent the vaccination under the constricting effect of the "gentle push". It has therefore been consciously accepted that many individuals obtorto collo undergo a specific health treatment with the claim, however, that it was formally a voluntary act. This, net of the legal considerations relating to any adverse reactions, cannot fail to have appeared hateful as it was perceived as a bullying on the part of those who felt compelled to do something and also have to declare that they want to do it voluntarily.

Thirdly, the numerous externalizations of important political exponents, also with institutional and government positions, and of many other opinion makers have clearly expressed the afflictive purpose that underlies this measure, in order to make the life of the unvaccinated impossible. (and many will recall how this concept was sometimes formulated in a rather vulgar and threatening way).

Therefore, as we said, all the elements were already present at the beginning to understand that the introduction of the Green Pass would have imposed a robust acceleration to the illiberality of pandemic management not so much because, as has been argued, it was proposed, for an interest collective, the subordination of the exercise of certain freedoms to the discharge of a burden (and this is already a scheme foreign to the tradition of liberal democratic constitutionalism of the rights of freedom), but rather because, in reality, the aforementioned burden masked an afflictive sanction for the violation of an ethical obligation. That is, we were faced with a vision of an ethical state that indicates correct behavior and punishes conduct deemed dangerous for the community.

And in fact, the subsequent developments that have taken place in the meantime (super Green Pass ; extension of the vaccination obligation first to certain categories of workers and, subsequently, to entire personal data groups; restrictive review of access to the various commercial and social activities) have accentuated, in turn, of a few weeks, the afflictive and sanctioning nature of the choice not to get vaccinated, even providing for suspension from work without pay: a measure, bordering on cruelty, which can hardly be considered as a criminal sanction for its high afflictivity, depriving an individual of being able to earn a living legally for the duration of the provision, which will last well beyond next March 31st.

Yesterday, finally, the apotheosis of drastically reducing, with a Decree of the Prime Minister, the living spaces of the unvaccinated, who are substantially allowed the mere subsistence and little more, with a regulation of access to the activities social and commercial worthy of the best Soviet planning tradition.

And the worst could still come, because it seems evident that the grip is getting tighter, as it becomes clear that the restrictions imposed are not suitable for achieving the purpose of countering the spread of the infection.

So while the rest of the free world begins to change direction, dismantling the restrictions adopted, which are moreover much milder than ours, because they are no longer considered justified from a health point of view (and not only), Italy is increasing the intensity of its restrictive measures, arranging complex and modified action patterns almost weekly, to the point that one ends up not understanding how to behave in the various hypotheses in which one has come into contact with a positive or is positive asymptomatic.

On the other hand, returning to the initial verses, the liberticidal management of the pandemic is the fruit of the bad tree of an order that for about a decade has accentuated its tendency to deviate from the tradition of liberal constitutionalism, through an oligarchic and technocratic closure facilitated by a continuous emergency (yesterday economic, today health and, probably, tomorrow environmental), by electoral legislation that guarantees a poor representation of the elected representatives and by the progressive marginalization of Parliament with respect to other national and supranational decision-making centers. This is why it is believed that the worst can still come, if the bad tree is not thrown into the fire and the good tree of Anglo-Saxon liberal democracy is planted, which, once again, has produced the good fruit of an order. who, even in the darkest moments, is able to discern good from evil. And, as is sadly known, the same cannot be said for our country and for the European continent.

The post From the bad tree, bad fruits: the vexatious spiral of the Green Pass was predictable from the start appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL https://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/lalbero-cattivo-non-puo-che-dare-frutti-cattivi-la-spirale-vessatoria-del-green-pass-era-prevedibile-dallinizio/ on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 03:54:00 +0000.