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In Sileri’s shot a disturbing threat: they will never stop, indifferent to the rest of the world

"We will make your life difficult, as we are doing, because those who do not follow the rules, and do not get vaccinated, are dangerous, period". The sentence of the Deputy Minister of Health, Sileri, is not the usual shot of someone who feels like a god-eternal, albeit on a deadline. It is much more and much worse. It contains a claim to absolute truth, without contradiction; the indisputable certainty not so much of science as of being the repository of science, a sort of shaman who owes no explanation to anyone and has the right to life, death and damnation on the miserable. But, above all else, it contains the security of the eternity of a regime: we will continue, so that it goes as it goes, we will still be there. Because we haven't finished the job yet, and it's a dirty work . Because the concentration camp will never go away.

Whether a slip of the tongue, that of the otherwise peaceful Sileri, or a confirmation of the bunker syndrome, or perhaps the myopia of those who have not yet realized that the wind is changing, remains a disturbing exit. It demonstrates the bleak stupidity of a system of power in all its components: political, "scientific", media. A lump by no means clear and much less willing to remedy the authoritarian impulses with which he has been strangling the country for two years. And with what results? Exclusively a series of pernicious effects in the economic as well as social, sanitary as well as civil sense. There is really something to suspect of a perverse design, such is the ignorance, anything but crystalline, profusely lavished by such a trust of irresponsible people.

The arrogant Sileri also discovers another altar: the total indifference of this regime to what happens in the rest of the world, namely the progressive return to normality (not "new": normality and stop), the diminishing of prohibitions, of sacrifices hand in hand with that of a pandemic power that at this point the entire international scientific community considers outdated. Sileri no. He and the four exhibitionist virologists we meet persist in devising increasingly hallucinating forms of discrimination by shaking the ghosts of a smoky catastrophe no less than instrumental (the head of the legendary CTS, Abrignani, predicted 2,500 deaths a day in February two weeks ago. : in 15 days we will not fail to remind us and to remind you).

The distinctive feature of a regime is precisely this: paranoia, the conviction of being the only one on the side of the right, of reason, of science, the rest of the planet being populated by imbeciles and incompetents; what if it's the other way around? Draghi himself, moreover, dismissed with contempt what was reminded him about the United Kingdom, which, following a course of action opposite to ours, is obtaining incomparably better results.

There is enough to conclude that, at this point, they are all in agreement. Out of any indifference: it is the facts, the circumstances and the findings that prove it with tragic evidence, in addition to the foiled televised declarations of Sileri today, of a tall snarling narcissus tomorrow. Except that no regime is eternal: if anything, there is eternal memory, today entrusted to the capable archives of the network, of social networks. It is there, brooding, spinning, then, one day, it turns out that the harassed decide they have enough and then it's up to them to make life difficult for those who have kept them in a jar, even being arrogant. For heaven's sake, no ordeal, no Piazza Loreto: memory will be enough to do justice. Together with the damage bill. Salty as it will be, a refund at the bottom of the list will not be enough.

The post A disturbing threat in Sileri's shot: they will never stop, indifferent to the rest of the world appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL https://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/nella-sparata-di-sileri-una-minaccia-inquietante-non-si-fermeranno-mai-indifferenti-al-resto-del-mondo/ on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 03:43:00 +0000.