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Not only Trump, the League also nominates Netanyahu to the Nobel Peace Prize

The League nominates Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the Nobel Peace Prize. After the candidacy of US President Donald Trump, through a Norwegian parliamentarian, this time it was the deputy Paolo Grimoldi, head of the Italian delegation to the OSCE, who pushed for the recognition to be assigned to the Likud leader, together with the president. USA. According to Grimoldi, “Netanyahu deserves the Nobel for at least three reasons: peace between Israel and the United Arab Emirates; peace between Israel and Bahrain and the opening of a diplomatic channel for the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, historical enemies in the Middle East ”.

Grimoldi's proposal – which made the front pages of the most influential Israeli newspapers such as Maariv and The Jerusalem Post – comes the day after the historic handshake in Washington between Netanyahu himself and the leaders of the Emirates and Bahrain under the supervision of the kingmaker of the agreements, US President Donald Trump. Agreements that determine a new order and new hopes for peace in one of the most conflictual areas in the world. Even the New York Times – a liberal newspaper certainly not tender towards The Donald – spoke of a "triumph" for the US in the Middle East, through an editorial by columnist Bret Stephens, who also harshly criticized the Middle Eastern policy of Trump's predecessor , Barack Obama. For Stephens, the Obamian ambitions in the Middle East linked to the famous Cairo speech in 2009 and the endorsement of the Arab Springs have “failed miserably”.

Grimoldi is the spokesperson for a proposal that aims to complement Donald Trump's Nobel Prize, often won in the past by more than one candidate. To the three reasons mentioned, the Northern League parliamentarian also added the EastMed energy project, which our country has also been part of since 2018, and the Italian-Israeli cooperation projects for the development and stabilization of the Horn of Africa.

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This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/non-solo-trump-la-lega-candida-anche-netanyahu-al-nobel-per-la-pace/ on Thu, 17 Sep 2020 03:47:00 +0000.