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The left when it stumbles into reality. Kamala Harris to migrants: “Don’t come”

The recent statements by Kamala Harris, American vice president, released during her institutional trip to the lands of Guatemala and Mexico have caused a sensation. Harsh words, aimed at certifying a position of scarce openness towards the migration phenomenon, one of the themes at the center of the electoral campaign that led Biden to win very little over Trump, in the presidential elections held on 3 November. A horizon of thought that would seem completely foreign to the typically democratic globalist narrative: “Don't come to the United States. If you come you will be rejected… We will continue to apply our laws and defend our borders ”.

Beyond the political controversy, in the United States the management of illegal immigration has not undergone substantial changes over the years, both in perspective and in the concrete policies adopted. Republicans and Democrats compete for power, present themselves as opposing and irreconcilable forces, alternating with the government of their own nation. Yet, as far as foreign policy is concerned, they betray a certain "leopardism", a tendency towards immobility, that is, they tend to keep certain practices stable and constant. Interpreters change, but not some consolidated policies. And among them there is, in fact, the management of irregular immigration. Welcoming and integrating in words are compelling challenges, but in fact, both for Democrats and Republicans, they are critical issues to be faced and managed, often with a hard fist. Nothing new under the sun, therefore, no real reason for surprise. It is yet another merciless photograph of a world that proceeds through contradictions and inconsistencies, not caring about easy and inconclusive rhetoric.

The left has been claiming moral superiority for years, as well as a greater capacity in managing complex phenomena and realities, betraying, however, a poverty of ideas and solutions in its concrete and daily work. He studies these realities in an abstract way, keeping them at a distance conceptually, without having experience in the field, ignoring their historical roots and social dynamics, lacking imagination and courage. Awakening is always difficult when reality comes to meet you with all its load of drama, injustice and human fatigue: hasty rhetoric has never fed or quenched anyone's thirst.

The post The left when it stumbles upon reality. Kamala Harris to migrants: “Don't come” appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/la-sinistra-quando-inciampa-nella-realta-kamala-harris-ai-migranti-non-venite/ on Fri, 11 Jun 2021 03:49:00 +0000.