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Daily Atlantic

The “Mussolinization” of the Presidency of the Council: spare us a climax of Dpcm from the balcony of Piazza Venezia

Here we go again. The Dpcm arrives and our premier Giuseppe Conte is back on TV.

New measures have been enacted to cope with this new phase of the pandemic. Well if these are the measures, let's make them fit. Not only us citizens, but also you gentlemen of the government. Let them go well.

Because if you have issued them, you will certainly have done so rightly, on the basis not only of current data, but of everything that can be extrapolated from current trends for the future.

We certainly do not have to teach you, gentlemen of the Government, that the effects of these measures will not be seen for a couple of weeks and that in this period the cases detected will continue to increase according to the same curve.

Furthermore, although severe and penalizing for many economic activities, these measures do not represent a lockdown , as we knew it in the spring. We certainly do not have to explain to you, gentlemen of the Government, that therefore the spread of the virus will continue to grow even after.

You know all this and have no doubt taken it into account. We all agree, therefore – we citizens and you Lords of the Government – that what has been prepared represents a sustainable balance in the future and that there will be no need for further crackdowns.

Because if a tougher regime were needed, it is clear that you would have told us today. It would make no sense for you to wait for cases to become five or ten times the current ones to apply containment measures that would be more effective if introduced immediately.

It goes without saying, Mr. Prime Minister and gentlemen of the Government, that we will meet again in May, when the summer season returns, and that from here to then we do not expect other Dpcm that further reduce personal freedom and economic freedom. In the coming months we only expect, if necessary, health efficiency measures.

We got it right, right?
Isn't it that another Dpcm is coming out soon? It is not that we find ourselves again in a "film" in which the whole country is constantly waiting for the head of the government to appear from Piazza Venezia, to tell us, every few days, to whom we must "break the kidneys" this time? If to restaurateurs, if to bartenders, if to hairdressers, if to fitness teachers, if to entertainment professionals, if to small traders, if to families celebrating birthdays, if to "runners".

Because it is this "Mussolinization" of the Prime Minister that is the real "dystopia". It is of this ritual celebration of "command" that we must be afraid – of this prophetic and salvific value of the Government, of this intoxication given by the power conferred on a few men to decide on the life and work of all, to destroy or save " generously".

See you in May, shall we, Government gentlemen?

The post The "Mussolinization" of the Presidency of the Council: spare us a climax of Dpcm from the balcony of Piazza Venezia appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/la-mussolinizzazione-della-presidenza-del-consiglio-risparmiateci-un-climax-di-dpcm-dal-balcone-di-piazza-venezia/ on Mon, 19 Oct 2020 03:50:00 +0000.