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The premier of “full powers” at the end? The second wave unmasks the bales, the blame game and Dpcm no longer pays

Since that February in which the country entered the Covid-19 tunnel, there is talk and has always been talked about an alternative between health and economy, taking for granted that personal freedom was to be considered completely secondary, a pure abstraction compared to the physical concreteness of a disease produced by an invisible and devious virus and a vertical fall of a GDP already stagnant in itself. Yet, if there is something that indelibly characterizes the long constitutional papers of the Second World War, this is precisely the guarantee of personal freedom, declined in all its variants, domicile, mobility, meeting, opinion, propaganda, the famous civil rights of the liberal heritage, on which the political rights of modern democracy rest. Of course, they too can be limited, but only by virtue of laws proportionate to the purpose pursued, in any case subject to the control of the President of the Republic and the judgment of the judiciary, with possible referral to the Constitutional Court. Unlike others, our Constitution does not provide for a state of emergency or exception, if you prefer, which contemplates the assumption of extraordinary powers by the Executive in the face of a sudden situation that deserves an immediate response; provides only for a decree of urgency, which requires a subsequent conversion into law by both chambers. It is not an optional, but the essential element of a system based on Parliament, even at the cost of a weak executive, by no means the first accused of the continuous attempt to update our fundamental text, which, moreover, is always flatly rejected by the electoral body. A system, mind you, not accidental, but consciously wanted by the Constituent Assembly, with a compromise between the two main forces, the DC and the PCI, none capable of predicting which would have won the first political elections, but still sure of having strong parliamentary representation.

It is not the case here to resume the string of complaints about this clear primacy of Parliament over the Executive, which, moreover, has been corrected through a series of bypasses bordering on constitutionality: completely generic delegated laws, so as to practically give free rein to the government in delegated decree; decree laws repeated at the deadlines and, in any case, accompanied in the conversion into law by the question of trust, such as to exclude any reform by the opposition; more or less delegated regulations, such as to erode the area reserved for the legislative function. The latter has become the normal practice of the Conte 2 Government, with the now frenetic issuing of the decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers, of which more than one authoritative voice has considered beyond the limit marked by our Constitution, without no institutional control. There was, however, no significant critical response from the mass media, all focused on the numbers of Covid-19 , which in themselves would justify the continued use of Dpcm, however condemned to pursue the spread of the virus day to day, overlapping and contradicting itself, so as to give the impression of a visual navigation, pregnant with uncertainty.

The uproar that has been made around that sentence escaped Salvini about his aspiration to "full powers", which evidently meant only the conquest of a majority such as to allow him to govern, today those full powers are exercised by Giuseppe Conte, without being been legitimized by no popular vote. Not only in silence but in the unconditional support of those who tore their chests yesterday prophesying a coup, with the only aim always exploited by the largest party of the left, from PCI to Pd, to create a popular front in defense of the democratic regime against a center-right represented at best as authoritarian and at worst as a parafascist.

The tactic developed by our Prime Minister, who certainly revealed an extraordinary ability to float, is to appear as the real last resort of an increasingly exhausted country, with now 22 Dpcm, accompanied by illustrative conferences in full television show. , making him the absolute protagonist of the political scene, where the majority meetings that precede them are completely blurred. The fact that his popular consent was much broader than that accorded to the parties that support him, which, poll after poll, always remain about six points below the center-right parties, united in a coalition, is a precise confirmation of this. across the board, from the center to the periphery.

Of course, in his utterances Conte echoes Mattarella's evanescent words in favor of national unity which does not seem to concern the parties but the citizens, but does not respond at all to the agreed requests of Salvini, Meloni, Berlusconi for effective collaboration in the battle against the pandemic. on the contrary, he ignores them, to the point of making them know the contents of his decrees through telephone calls made a few hours before the presentation conferences. He knows perfectly well that his survival depends not only on the numerical stability, but on the total self-sufficiency of a heterogeneous majority that not only was formed, but also perpetuates itself in the logic of being the only alternative to an exorcised drift as a sovereign and populist, anti – European and demagogic.

The situation no longer plays in its favor as in the first phase, when with the imposition of a national lockdown , against the same opinion of the Technical-Scientific Committee, it was possible to cover the flaws in the health system, since the pandemic was concentrated in the North where that system was better equipped after all. Now, in the second phase, with the pandemic heavily widespread also in the South, the inertia of initiative in the summer is completely evident, without being able to unload it all on the well-foreseeable summer return to life, of a mainly young population, which had been forced to close in the house. Our friend knows that he cannot be the one who decides another general lockdown , not only for the economic impact, but also and above all for the discouragement, ready to go to rebellion, as anticipated in the Chamber by the Pd group leader, Del Rio. Therefore, he plays the role of those who are against, but he lets himself be dragged along by decree after decree by the pressing of the regions, something quite evident in that authentic masterpiece of foreseeing measures liable to be hardened by the regional governors.

Yesterday the regions were the ones to be lined up, expression of the anarchist system inaugurated by the reform of Title V of the Constitution, to be reviewed as soon as possible to restore to the central State a capacity for unitary government, as required by a situation equal to that created by the pandemic; today, however, the regions are called to share responsibility, with their involvement in the determination of the measures of the decrees. This allows Conte to completely exclude the parliamentary opposition, with coverage provided to him by a universe of regions, of which 15 are governed by the center-right, obtaining legitimacy, not without some welcome friction between the center-right governors and their political leaders. Will the game pay off? It all depends on the progress of the pandemic. If it gets out of hand, engulfing the health systems of the North and collapsing those of the South, the same unstable political balance will be placed under an unbearable stress , so as to make an awakening from his deafening silence inevitable for this President of the Republic, to publicly invoke a real involvement of the opposition, even more so if the social climate becomes incandescent and the community treasury recedes over time.

The post The premier of the "full powers" at the end? The second wave unmasks the lies, the blame game and Dpcm no longer pays appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/il-premier-dei-pieni-poteri-al-capolinea-la-seconda-ondata-smaschera-le-balle-il-gioco-scaricabarile-e-dpcm-non-paga-piu/ on Tue, 27 Oct 2020 03:49:00 +0000.