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The umpteenth Conte task force: a techno-bureaucratic monster of dubious legitimacy, perfect for the blame

The complexity of the structure conceived for the Recovery Plan guarantees a clear dilution of responsibilities, ideal for politically protecting the Prime Minister. Who will be in charge, the final decision maker? Are you super managers with exceptional powers? The triumvirate made up of Conte, Gualtieri and Patuanelli? If things worked out, the premier would take the credit; otherwise, it will always be able to shift the responsibility onto the technicians and super managers. He prepares a perfect blame in full Contian style

An elephantine system made up of two task forces , a control room, an inter-ministerial committee and six super managers. This is the solution that the government seems to have found to implement the Recovery Plan . Despite the failures of last spring (who remembers the Colao plan?) And the poor results achieved by the system of 15 task forces , Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte seems to have decided to build a techno-bureaucratic monster to win what he called the challenge of life.

The complexity of the structure, without considering the relationships that will have to be established between its components, is impressive. At the top there should be a control room made up of the premier, the minister of the economy Gualtieri and the minister of economic development Patuanelli, who should be joined by the Interministerial Committee for European Affairs led by Minister Amendola. To these two bodies of a political nature should be added an executive committee, composed of six managers with exceptional powers who will have to deal with the realization of the objectives of the Recovery Plan. At the disposal of each one there will be fifty technicians, who will form a special task force of three hundred members. And finally, to check that the system works, there will be a ten-member guarantee committee that should oversee the implementation of the projects.

As you can easily guess, the system is so intricate that it is impossible to identify the chain of responsibilities and the final decision maker. Will they be the six super managers with exceptional powers? Will it be the triumvirate made up of Conte, Gualtieri and Patuanelli?

It also remains to understand how such a mammoth structure can give birth to quick, effective and easily re-questionable decisions. It is difficult to think that a device of this size can verify without delay the effectiveness of one's choices and possibly correct them.

The impression is that Conte has consciously given birth to an ambiguous and elephantine organism to avoid assuming responsibilities that could be politically devastating, also in light of the proclamations on European funds. If things should work out, the premier could take the credit because he is still at the top of the control room; if they do not go as hoped, it could instead shift the responsibility to the technicians and super managers. A perfect blame in full Contiano style. Ultimately, the complexity of the structure guarantees a clear dilution of responsibilities, ideal for politically protecting the Prime Minister.

Furthermore, bearing in mind Lorenzo Castellani's acute reflections on techno-democracy, it is interesting to question the legitimacy of task forces and managers: will they be appointed by the government or will they be voted on by Parliament? The system built by Conte, in this perspective, is also not very transparent and if there were no changes it would represent a shortcut to bypass Parliament. Finally, according to the words of the premier himself, it is very likely that moments of confrontation with the social partners will be structured. It is therefore not excluded that events similar to the States General, but dedicated to the Recovery Plan, may be organized. A further sign of the smokiness of the contrived device and of the mechanisms designed to protect, and even strengthen, the image of the people's advocate.

The post The umpteenth Conte task force: a techno-bureaucratic monster of dubious legitimacy, perfect for the blame game appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/lennesima-task-force-di-conte-un-mostro-tecno-burocratico-di-dubbia-legittimita-perfetto-per-lo-scaricabarile/ on Wed, 02 Dec 2020 05:01:00 +0000.