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Tomb silence of the executioners on the Gregoretti case

At the request for the acquittal of Matteo Salvini in the trial for the Gregoretti case, newspapers and politicians of execution, who have always been supporters (almost ultra-leaders) of the conviction for kidnapping of the former minister, closed in an almost deathly silence.

Equipping ourselves with a very powerful magnifying glass, we were able to see the Fatto Quotidiano devote a short paragraph only to page 13, falling back on the facts of the Open Arms for which the prosecutor of Palermo asks for the trial. La Repubblica reported the news only on page 10 and La Stampa on page 9, with a low cut entitled “The prosecutor clears Salvini” .

In short, the prosecution's request not to proceed against Salvini does not go down to the justicialist newspapers. After months of headlines on the front page, editorials based on the presumption of guilt and pages in which Salvini was pilloried, Travaglio, Molinari and Giannini appeal to the American Fifth Amendment: the right not to answer.

Politically, it is not much better. During the period of the yellow-green alliance, the 5 Star Movement supported the legitimacy of the work of the Northern League ally. Indeed, the then Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Toninelli confessed that the management of migrants was not the exclusive responsibility of the leader of the League: “I manage the part of safety and navigation until docking. Salvini manages the public order part. Up to now, with Salvini, we have reduced the number of landings, together with myself and President Conte ”.

Mind you though: political responsibility is not the same as criminal responsibility. The legal action against Matteo Salvini should never have started.

As defense lawyer Giulia Bongiorno explains: "His was an unquestionable political act, shared by the whole government". Also because, we add, being an act shared by the Executive, Article 96 of the Constitution establishes that criminal responsibility is borne by both the ministers and the Prime Minister for crimes committed in the exercise of their functions.

After the end of the "government of change", the 5 Star Movement, in good company with the new allies of the left, tried to use the trial against Salvini as a club to politically extinguish the Lega, which had just passed into the opposition and firmly became the first party of the Country.

A strategy that we have seen applied many times from Mani Pulite onwards: we cannot defeat the opponent electorally, so let's knock him down with sentences and trials.

This time, however, the executioners went badly. Matteo Salvini is not a "kidnapper of men", he exercised his prerogatives as interior minister.

On the issue of immigration, in all the countries of the world two different political positions are faced: one more open-minded, tending to be supported by left-wing parties, and another for a more controlled immigration, tending to be supported by right-wing forces.

Only in Italy this second, legitimate position is criminalized. When will the left be able to fight with the weapon of arguments, without hiding behind the cassocks of the magistrates?

The post Deathly silence of the executioners on the Gregoretti case appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/silenzio-tombale-dei-giustizialisti-sul-caso-gregoretti/ on Wed, 14 Apr 2021 03:47:00 +0000.