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Trump’s “friend of Putin” hoax: the “Trumpians” who bought into the Dem propaganda

"If I had still been in office, the war in Ukraine would never have broken out," Donald Trump declared on February 24, the day of the Russian invasion. The first reaction of the Trumpian world, especially outside America, was to complete the declaration: "because Trump, being a friend of Putin, would never have provoked him to the point of starting a conflict". In the upside-down world we live in, Biden is the "warmonger", while Trump is "Putin's friend".

This is probably what you have read and heard in an infinity of comments on social networks , in newspapers, on talk shows. The pro-commentators clearly regret the irenism of Trump, the president who has never fought a war. The opposites cite him to prove that Trump was truly Putin's man in America. The former US president, who is banned from social networks (so much so that he has to found his own, Truth ), is instead shouting, almost every day, to affirm the opposite concept: with him as president, Putin would never have moved, because he would have been terrified of the American reaction.

Inattention (more or less deliberate) reigns supreme in the chronicles of foreign policy and the relationship between Trump and Putin we only talk about: the Russiagate scandal ( ended up in a soap bubble ), manipulation of the American elections (on which the Trump administration itself was investigating ), the Ucrainagate scandal (on which the impeachment process was based: Trump acquitted by Congress) and the belief that Trump and Putin, together with Orban and Bolsonaro, Le Pen and Salvini, were still part of the same "political family", vaguely defined, sovereign. A great confusion of images, false beliefs and definitions that hides the true historical role of Donald Trump and also his current ideas on international politics.

One of the architects of Trump's strategy, Matt Pottinger, tells the Wall Street Journal that no one can know how Trump would have behaved in this global crisis, but there was nevertheless "a genuine unpredictability of President Trump's behavior, of what he could have done or do not. And this could slow down the plans of Xi and Putin, more times than people think ". Alongside a "respectful diplomacy at the top", there was the intention to maintain superiority over the adversary. In the case of Russia, Pottinger cites: the opposition to the Russian-German Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, the tough negotiation on the New Start (for the reduction of nuclear weapons), the supply of military aid to Ukraine, the expulsion of Russian diplomats accused of espionage, economic sanctions. Note: Biden has reduced or canceled all these instruments, being opposed to the sanctions on Nord Stream 2 , having interrupted arms supplies to Ukraine right up until the day before the war and having immediately concluded the negotiations on the New Start , "immediately granting the renewal of five years, as Putin requested ”.

On March 1, Trump posted a statement on his website categorically denying the perception of his distracted rivals and sympathizers: "The RINOs (Republicans in name only), Warmongers and Fake News Media continue to blatantly lie and misrepresent mine. remarks on Putin because they know that this terrible war waged against Ukraine would never have taken place under my surveillance ”. In his speech to the CPAC , the annual conference of conservatives, Trump had boasted that he was the only president during whose term the Russians had never invaded another country: under Bush's gaze, in fact, they had attacked Georgia, under that Obama had annexed Crimea.

On NATO it is too often said that Trump wanted to dissolve it (he even threatened him several times, when he came into conflict with European allies). But the outcome of his continuous pressing was positive for the Alliance: "People forget so quickly, with the help of fake news , that it was I who convinced 20 of the 28 insolvent NATO countries to start paying the money they they had to rebuild a troubled NATO. Nobody knew that things would happen so quickly, but NATO was poor and now it is rich, ”he declared on March 16. Rather, on March 8, he still recalled the unwillingness of Europeans to collaborate in the economic war effort against Russia: “Confirmation has just come that most of Europe will not align with the United States on the oil boycott and of Russian gas. As usual, the United States will be left alone, exploited by Europe, while we defend them, while we read in the fake news how everyone united under Biden to fight Russia ”.

Interviewed on Fox Business , the former Republican president treaded on his hand to suggest what his course of action would be with Putin: “I have often heard him use the word with the 'n', the word nuclear. To which we say 'oh, it's a nuclear power' . But we are a bigger nuclear power. We have the largest submarines in the world, the most powerful machines ever built ”. To the Biden administration, if only he could, he would suggest: “You should say, 'Look, mention that word one more time and we'll send them there (the nuclear submarines, ed .), Making them go back and forth, up and down your coast. ". Why: “You cannot let this tragedy continue. You cannot let these thousands of people die ”. But Trump cannot suggest his line, he cannot even address the public, except with interviews, with the proclamations published on his website and in the events he attends in person. While in his own social network , Truth , in the Italian version, one of the most shared videos of these weeks is Putin's speech at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, translated. Just to reiterate that Trump and Putin are "the same".

The post Trump's hoax "friend of Putin": the "Trumpians" who bought into the Dem propaganda appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL https://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/la-bufala-di-trump-amico-di-putin-i-trumpiani-che-si-sono-bevuti-la-propaganda-dem/ on Sat, 26 Mar 2022 03:57:00 +0000.