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Why the blocking of layoffs must be removed: blocking rhetoric and ideology

The discussion on the blocking of layoffs resumes, the first deadline of which is June 30 and the second at the end of October, and the topic is then addressed again among experts in the sector and beyond, on what should be a recognized and protected right from the Constitution: the freedom of private economic initiative.

Let's try to see ourselves more clearly. Until June 30, and except for extensions on which negotiations have been opened, the dismissal is legitimate only if based on disciplinary reasons, or in the event of termination of a contract or in case of overcoming the so-called sickness entitlement: otherwise, a total block with suspension of law 604/1966. After that date it will perhaps be possible to return to the faculty of dismissing but only for companies that can use the redundancy fund – mainly the industry sector – and from 1 November this faculty will be extended to the others, or all the remaining product sectors. .

The legal issue is all here. On the political and economic level, on the other hand, there is a rhetoric without borders, and without a real reason for being, since it would be enough to have practical sense and to know a minimum of the general economic situation to realize that a defense on the barricades is not needed. : extending the freeze on layoffs would be a mistake, and the very harsh effects of this stop imposed in the months just passed will begin to show shortly, when the tables for collective redundancies by all those companies that have not succeeded will start (quite simply) to recover profitability.

Because regardless of the legitimate positions of everyone, the blocking of layoffs has produced as the only result greater poverty of the companies which, having to face a deep and unfortunately long economic crisis, have not been able to redesign their own structure; changing roles, redefining entire departments, outsourcing services, in fact, may require the painful choice of putting one's hand to the workforce since, otherwise, the risky path that is undertaken is that of being linked by costs that are no longer sustainable. Going towards closure.

In moments of crisis, the company lightens up and, once the downturn phase is over, it can go back to hiring. This happens in all economic cycles, and it is even more evident in this moment where many sectors have had to rethink their economic strategies, the investments made and lost, the unusable and unused resources, the orders still in stock, and how much other.

For some it seems that the entrepreneur experiences an intimate enjoyment every time he is about to be fired, perhaps forgetting that he has no interest in leaving his employees at home because when he hires them he does so with the intention of maintaining the personal and make it performant: to do this, he invests resources (even in training) and it is not clear what solipsistic pleasure he should feel in devoting time to reorganize and cut personnel. It is therefore an ideological position on layoffs, although the blockade is supported above all by those who – at the right time – did not even raise an eyebrow to defend Article 18 from the attack brought about by the Fornero Law and then by the Jobs Act.

Forcing the employment stability of companies has an ancient flavor, it goes back to the seventies, and ends up flattening private initiative, making the Italian market really unattractive for those who want to invest.

Let's go back to being rational, possibly moving away from rhetoric. The dismissal represents a faculty, or better still a right, of the entrepreneur unless he wants to repeal article 41 of the Constitution and carry out what could be configured as a real forced expropriation of financial means; at the same time, nothing prevents us from returning to talk seriously about reintegration protection in the event of illegitimate or unjustified withdrawal, as long as we know how to balance the interests at stake, which obviously also include those of the company. Only in this way can economic growth and therefore collective well-being be guaranteed.

The post Why the block on layoffs must be removed: blocking rhetoric and ideology appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/perche-il-blocco-dei-licenziamenti-va-rimosso-bloccare-retorica-e-ideologia/ on Fri, 11 Jun 2021 03:56:00 +0000.