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Italy: despite Covid-19, net contributor to the EU also in 2020

Italy also in 2020 continues to be an abundant net contributor to the EU, even in 2020, despite the fact that Italy has been heavily affected in GDP with a decline of 8.6%, well above the European average of 6.6. %,

Unfortunately, this is not enough to have a reduction in payments to the Union or to get an extra cent from the Union itself: according to official data from the State Accounting Office in 2020, Italy against payments to the budget general of the European Union for a total amount of 17,871 million, received grants for a total of approximately 11,084 million. During 2020, Italy therefore recorded a negative net balance of approximately 6,787.4 million. This is in line with the trend that started in 2008, which was worse than the previous period (2000-2007) in which the net position of Italy was settled, in
average, around 3,200 million. Here is a chart on the subject:

Yet we have had an impressive decline in GDP, as we have experienced. Yet, in theory, we have received significant financial aid from the EU, which, evidently, was not that important. Yet we have joined NGEU of which, however, not a cent has reached us in 202 and of which a few billion non-repayable funds will arrive in the course of 2021.

In reality, the Union is very close to us when we have to pay, and therefore we continue to be big net contributors, regardless of our economic situation, crisis, unemployment and demographic situation. Everything must be sacrificed for the EU.

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The article Italy: despite Covid-19, a net contributor to the EU also in 2020 comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/italia-nonostante-il-covid-19-contributore-netto-alla-ue-anche-nel-2020/ on Sat, 31 Jul 2021 16:16:26 +0000.