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Education: why in Italy does no one talk about the mediocre results of Italian students?

What would be, at least in theory, the function of the Ministry of Education? It should not be to educate students, to increase their knowledge also from a scientific/mathematical point of view, as well as a general understanding, and therefore to help them prepare for future challenges.

Of course this discussion seems a bit strange in a world where successful people are the influencers who wear makeup and the trappers who bellow, and with them the varied world that surrounds them, but someone could also explain that those few who last more than one morning is because, without showing it, they know how to do the math. Yet, at least from the point of view

Having said this, if the purpose of the school, and of the Ministry that organizes it, is to teach, today's controversy in Italy should be on the mediocre results of Italian students in the PISA tests, held by the OECD/OSCE to compare the preparation of students of 15 years in different states and school systems.

Because Italian students had lower results than average. They have less knowledge, or are more ignorant, than the OSCE average. And not by little:

The red line is the OECD/OSCE average, and this, without having taken a strong mathematical background, allows us to understand how much we are below the average of other countries. Here is how we position ourselves compared to some other reference countries:

So a question should be asked to the Ministry of Education: why are the results of Italian students so below the OSCE/OECD average? Yet this should be the function of the school, the one managed by the Ministry of Education, and the data on the PISA tests are recent and in other states, such as Germany, have caused a scandal.

In Italy, however, silence, nothing. There is controversy about Tanning, but not about the fact that, evidently, our students are much more unprepared. The reason is clear: studying is hard work, both for the students, obviously, and for the teachers, and for the ministry, which must make provision, and for the parents who also have responsibilities in this regard.

Instead, it is simpler for everyone not to argue about students' preparation, but about any factor other than what students actually know and understand. That is, on what should be the mission of the ministry, teachers, parents and students.

At this point, wouldn't it be better to transform schools into after-work clubs in which to teach how to be good and good, and perhaps have a bit of a debate after a film screening? Because if school doesn't teach, it's useless.

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The article Education: why in Italy does no one talk about the mediocre results of Italian students? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/istruzione-perche-in-italia-nessuno-parla-dei-mediocri-risultati-degli-studenti-italiani/ on Sun, 10 Dec 2023 06:15:43 +0000.