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Economic Scenarios

30% HAD THE COURAGE TO REBELL TO THE SINGLE THOUGHT OF THE MEDIA AND PARTIES. We must start with this against the dictatorship

A lyrical speech by Fabio Duranti on RadioRadio. Those who voted YES in the referendum must be forgiven, because they are simply the servant of a single thought inculcated for years by the media, which has progressively humiliated and debased democratic representation. A serious mistake, but, we add, we need to start again from re-education, from the creation of awareness, and from the exemplification of mistakes. To put it in a Catholic way, sin must be condemned, and the political devil in the media who spread it, not the sinner. Personally I think of the tens of years of preaching and suffering suffered by our patriotic ancestors first, then socialists, to impose national and social demands, years of pain, condemnations, wanderings.

So we must not so much be disheartened by the 70% who voted YES, but be happy for the 30% who voted NO, because they are, however, a departure.

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The article A 30% HAD THE COURAGE TO REBELL THE ONE THOUGHT OF THE MEDIA AND PARTIES We must start from this against the dictatorship comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/un-30-ha-avuto-il-coraggio-di-ribellarsi-al-pensiero-unico-di-media-e-partiti-bisogna-iniziare-da-questo-contro-la-dittatura/ on Tue, 22 Sep 2020 20:23:11 +0000.