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Economic Scenarios

A process involving the “Fund for Worship” of the Ministry of the Interior starts in Switzerland. Something you won’t read in our newspapers …

Where did the approximately 10 million euros deposited in Switzerland by the Fund for Buildings of Worship (FEC), a body through which the Italian Ministry of the Interior manages its immense cultural heritage, went? Why does an Italian public fund deposit money in a Swiss bank? A trial underway in these days at the Swiss Federal Criminal Court is trying to shed light on an intricate affair involving the bankrupt Höttinger bank in Zurich and a private bank in Lugano… Those who want the whole story can read it here .

The story, which started in 2012, very paticolae, involves pue amnienti of the Camorra, in order not to miss anything. At the center is Rocco Zullino, owner and sole shareholder of a banking institution in Lugano called RZ et Associés Lugano . This bank comes under investigation, as do the Zurich parent company and its former compliance manager. According to federal investigators, Höttinger's poor organization – among other things declared bankrupt by FINMA in 2015 – would not have prevented the laundering of large sums of money, an activity that would then have continued with RZ and Associates. Where did this money come from:

  • partly from real estate affairs of the Campania Camorra, mainly linked to shopping centers;
  • partly from the Fondo Buildings for Worship, managed by the Minister of the Interior.

This last part is really interesting: the Buildings for the Cult fund serves to take care of the enormous, and neglected, Italian sacred artistic heritage. Why did 10 million end up in a bank in Switzerland? Here enters Francesco La Motta. The latter, director of the fund between 2003 and 2006, was acquitted in Rome, where Zuglino was convicted of embezzlement. The money went to a company in Lugano, Silgocom SA , which is defined as a “financial shoulder company”. From this the money went back to people whose names, who knows why, no one has ever wanted to investigate. This is why you will never read this story in Italy….

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The article A process involving the “Fund for Worship” of the Ministry of the Interior starts in Switzerland. Something you won't read in our newspapers… comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/parte-in-svizzera-un-processo-che-coinvolge-il-fondo-per-il-cultodel-ministero-degli-interni-qualcosa-che-non-leggerete-sui-nostri-giornali/ on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 14:30:48 +0000.