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After the success, India removes Ivermectin from the Covid-19 protocol. The shadow of the WHO …

The Directorate-General of Health Services of India (DGHS) has carried out a policy reversal that could have huge implications for the battle against covid-19, not just in India but around the world. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives are at stake. Providing no explanation, the DGHS revised its guidelines for the treatment of COVID-19 and removed nearly all of the repurposed drugs it had previously recommended for the treatment of asymptomatic and mild cases. They include the antibiotic doxycycline, zinc hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and even multivitamins. The only medications still recommended for early treatment are cold medications, antipyretics such as acetaminophen and inhaled budesonide.

“No other covid-specific medications are needed,” the new guidelines state, which discourage even professionals from prescribing unnecessary tests such as CT scans.

“Patients are advised to request a telephone consultation; and Covid-19 appropriate behaviors such as face mask, strict hand hygiene and physical distance must be observed … [Patients are also advised to maintain] a healthy diet with adequate hydration … [and] to stay in touch [with family] and to engage in positive interviews via telephone, video calls, etc. " . The Indian version of "Tachipirina and watchful waiting" …

Of course, claiming that the protocols using other drugs have not been effective is difficult enough, given the results obtained from the peak of cases on April 24, as the situation in India seemed to have completely gotten out of control. Explanatory is the number of cases:

Even more explanatory are the graphs on deaths in the New Delhi area and the number of hospitalized

Yet despite this success, the DGHS has changed its mind. Why? For the pressures of the WHO, which, in fact, rejoiced at the decision. At the same time, the WHO chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan, received u n subpoena on a complaint by Indian lawyers for spreading false information about the effectiveness dell'Ivermectin. In the end, it seems that WHO is at the center of all these plots related to Covid-19, from its birth in Wuhan to its spread, to possible cures.

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The article After the success, India removes Ivermectin from the Covid-19 protocol. The shadow of the WHO … comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/dopo-il-successo-lindia-toglie-livermectin-dal-protocollo-covid-19-lombra-delloms/ on Wed, 09 Jun 2021 08:00:29 +0000.