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Economic Scenarios

AgCom heavily fines Wind Vodafone and Tim: they do not protect customers from illegal charges

The Communications Guarantee Authority fined Wind Tre, Vodafone and Tim for a total of € 2.204 million. The cause is simple: ignoring the risk of customer losses, it has not adopted suitable measures to prevent the activation of premium services, i.e. special paid services, in the absence of the prior consent of the users nor to prevent them from being charged even in cases of clear incompatibility of the service with the voluntary activation by the users themselves.

By dividing the figure among Wind Tre operators, 812,000 euros was fined; Vodafone for 754,000 euros while Tim for 638,000 euros. At this point we hope that on the one hand this money will be destined for those who have suffered damage from the "Inattention" of the telephone operators, on the other hand that finally the telephone companies will fully protect their customers from these services.

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The AgCom article heavily fines Wind Vodafone and Tim: they do not protect customers from illegal charges. It comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/agcom-multa-pesantemente-wind-vodafone-e-tim-non-tutelano-i-clienti-dagli-addebiti-illegali/ on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 20:07:06 +0000.