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There are or have existed throughout history various types of brotherhood based on concepts other than the pure and simple bond of kinship between subjects descending from the same jamb: from the Enlightenment motto of the French Revolution to the principle of brotherhood expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the 1948 without forgetting the ideal of brotherhood typical of some more or less reserved initiatory orders.

And now there is the universal brotherhood declined by Pope Francis in the encyclical "All Brothers" inspired by non-violent political activists (Gandhi, Martin Luther King), non-Catholic religious leaders (Imam Al Tayyeb, Anglican archbishop Desmond Tutu) and by St. Francis of Assisi who, contrary to the usual historically deformed narrative of the Argentine pontiff, was not environmentalist (the Canticle of creatures is a praise to the Creator whose image is reflected in the perfect order of nature), was not pauperist (the poverty for St. Francis was a means of totally identifying himself with Christ), he was not inclined to interreligious dialogue and never recommended avoiding all forms of contention and living a humble and fraternal submission towards Muslims (the Saint of Assisi participated in the fifth crusade and attempted to convert Sultan Malik Al Kamil to Christianity) and, finally, was totally dedicated to preaching or proselytizing (solemn nonsense for Pope Francis) for the salvation of souls which, moreover, is the true mission of churchmen.

Not surprisingly, the "all brothers" that gives the encyclical its name is the appellative with which St. Francis addresses his brothers in faith in Christ invited to look carefully at the good shepherd who came to save his sheep by means of the passion on the Cross so that it is decidedly misleading to pull the saint of Assisi by the habit to promote a mellifluous universal brotherhood understood as a factor of equality, concord, social justice without any reference to specifically Christian considerations of a transcendental order completely absent in the encyclical since Pope Francis addresses all people of goodwill regardless of their religious convictions.

And it could not have been otherwise since, for the drafting of the encyclical, Pope Francis admitted that he was " stimulated in a special way by the great Imam Ahmad Al Tayyeb with whom I met in Abu Dhabi to remember that God created all human beings equal in rights, duties and dignity and called them to live together as brothers among themselves ".

Since the encyclical, by the Pope's own admission, develops the themes set out in the "Document on human brotherhood for world peace and common coexistence" signed in Abu Dhabi on February 4, 2019, it is questionable whether the God to whom Bergoglio refers be it the Trinitarian God of Christians or a generic God in whom all faiths can recognize themselves and if the so-called human brotherhood rests on common roots.

The "brothers all" of St. Francis was a call to supernatural brotherhood between a multiplicity of individuals united by the Christian faith consistently with the assumption that Christians all consider themselves children of God made in the image of Jesus Christ, while for Muslims it is not suitable for glory of God to have a son and brotherhood is a natural concept between subjects created by God united by fidelity to the Koran.

Even the expression "we are all children of God" used to find points of contact with members of other faiths is unwelcome to Muslims since even if Christ is not the son of God, neither can ordinary men be.

Since Muslims deny the cornerstones of the Christian religion or Trinity, Incarnation and Redemption and believe in one God, it is correct to say that the God of Christians is not the same God of Muslims and that the concept of brotherhood for Christians is different from that of Muslims for whom it is not possible to understand what the theses of the Grand Imam Al Tayyeb may have been that stimulated the Pope in the drafting of the encyclical considering, a fortiori, that the dogmas of Christianity and the precepts of Islam are mutually contradictory and it is It is logically inadmissible to seek points of convergence between opposing and irreconcilable statements.

If this is the humus in which the drafting of the papal text matured and if by encyclical we mean a circular letter addressed to the Church and to the faithful in the world with which the popes deal with issues that affect the immutable contents of faith and morals in in relation to the contingent historical conditions, that of Pope Francis is by no means an encyclical but a globalist ideological political manifesto in which the fleeting concept of universal brotherhood is taken as a pretext to envision an open world without walls and without borders where some have the right to migrate and others the duty to welcome and integrate in the name of common belonging to the human family governed by global governance; a world in which the goods of the territory cannot be denied to those in need and who come from another place and private property is a secondary right to the principle of universal destination of created goods.

Pope Francis' document is destined to create uncertainty, division and confusion and as such deserves to be quickly forgotten.

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The article BROTHERS ALL, A NON-ENCYCLIC TO FORGET IN A HURRY (by Mimmo Caruso) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/fratelli-tutti-una-non-enciclica-da-dimenticare-in-fretta-di-mimmo-caruso/ on Sat, 17 Oct 2020 09:13:33 +0000.