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All the languages ​​of the Earth will be saved on a disk on the Moon, thanks to a Japanese probe

A memory disk containing 275 languages ​​will be launched on a lunar probe in winter this year, as part of efforts to preserve Earth's linguistic diversity in the event of a global disaster.

The Japanese company iSpace Inc. which is proceeding with the private Hakuto-R lunar exploration mission, announced on May 7 that the storage medium will be sent to the lunar surface. The news is reported by the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun

The inclusion is in line with UNESCO's policy of passing on the cultural heritage of humanity.

According to iSpace reports, the decision was made during a meeting held on May 6 at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris.

The effort is part of a program aimed at preserving linguistic diversity in case languages ​​are lost due to predicted climate change, natural disasters and other future global crises.

The memory disk was developed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and a US company. The medium preserves translations into 275 languages ​​of a section of the preamble of the UNESCO Constitution which illustrates the importance of preserving linguistic and cultural diversity.

Ispace was trying to become the first private company to land a spacecraft on the Moon, but saw its lunar lander crash into the lunar surface in 2023, apparently due to a software flaw.

It is planning to equip a new Moon landing spacecraft, to be launched this winter, with a machine to generate hydrogen and oxygen on the lunar surface.

ispace's ultimate goal is to serve as a window for resource development projects and other commercial activities on the moon.

Man has already sent linguistic samples into space in the form of physical recordings. Let us remember that the space probes, Voyager 1 and 2, have a golden disc on board, with a diameter of approximately 30 cm, on which images and voice samples in various languages ​​are analogically recorded. A message that we won't know if anyone will ever receive.

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The article All the languages ​​of the Earth will be saved on a disk on the Moon, thanks to a Japanese probe comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/tutte-le-lingue-della-terra-saranna-salvate-su-di-un-disco-sulla-luna-grazie-a-una-sonda-giapponese/ on Tue, 28 May 2024 15:57:36 +0000.