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All the Swedish ANTI-COVID strategy explained by their virologist: voluntary distancing and no masks

We present two interviews, made by RadioRadio, to an Italian virologist who has been working in Swedish hospitals and medical universities for over 20 years. With direct knowledge of the protocols he participated in compiling with a member of the scientific team advising the Swedish Government.

Some points you can learn from these videos:

  • although the population density in Stockholm is very high, higher than in Naples, for example, the government has not imposed lockdowns, but has provided people with indications for maintaining social distancing;
  • the use of masks is very limited and only when there is no possibility of maintaining the distance, such as on public transport. The spacing is much more important, also because it is scientifically proven that the mask is of little use, if not precisely in particular situations, indeed it is negative because it gives a false feeling of security;
  • Covid-19 belongs, as contagiousness and danger, to the family of the flu, not to that of more serious viruses. In fact, the WHO has applied precisely the protocols related to influenza.

Happy listening !!

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The article The whole Swedish ANTI-COVID strategy explained by their virologist: voluntary distancing and no masks comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/tutta-la-strategia-anti-covid-svedese-spiegata-da-un-loro-virologo-distanziamento-volontario-e-niente-mascherine/ on Wed, 06 Jan 2021 18:02:20 +0000.