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Amy Coney Barrett is Trump’s choice. Catholic, conservative

Amy Coney Barrett is Donad Trump's choice to complete the US Supreme Court . She was a member of the Federal Court of Appeals of the Seventh Circuit and was a close associate of Judge Scalia, so she has all the legal and career traits to fill this position. since 2002 she has taught law at Notre Dame University and was also named "Best Teacher of the Year".

Barrett is known for being a devout Catholic who considers abortion "always immoral", and would occupy the seat vacated by the death of liberal icon judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The age of only 48 years would be a guarantee of its long permanence, given that the charge is for life.

At this point there is little the Democrats can do to delay the vote on Barrett and his role will be important in the election week in which the Supreme Court may be called upon to rule on any electoral disputes.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, said his regular hearing will be held followed by a Republican majority vote. Normally many senators are engaged in the electoral campaign at this time, but nothing prevents the specific committee from meeting to audit it and then the Senate voting before or around the elections.

When she was appointed to lead the seventh federal appeals circuit her nomination, made by Trump, saw a large senatorial majority of 55 to 43. She is the third judge appointed by the Trump administration, which allowed for a solidly conservative majority to guide of the highest stars and stripes judiciary.

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The Amy Coney Barrett article is Trump's choice. Cattolica, conservative, comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/amy-coney-barrett-e-a-scelta-di-trump-cattolica-conservatrice/ on Sun, 27 Sep 2020 08:12:11 +0000.