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And Captain Kirk went into space! William Shatner, the oldest man to go into orbit

Eventually, at 90, Captain Kirk, aka William Shatner, truly went into space. Using the New Shepard NS 18 spacecraft owned by Jeff Bezon Bue Origin, he climbed over 100 km from the earth's surface, out of the atmosphere and in zero gravity, and then re-entered

All this happened without any particular problem not even to William Shatner, who is also a sprightly old man of ninety.

In addition to Shatner, who became famous for playing the role of Captain Kirk in the "Star Trek" series in the late 1960s, he is accompanied by Chris Boshuizen, co-founder of satellite company Planet Labs, from software executive Glen de Vries and Audrey Powers. , vice president of missions and flight operations at Blue Origin.

Congratulations to Captain Kirk, and here's a full video of the whole trip.

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The article And Captain Kirk went to space! William Shatner, the oldest man who went into orbit comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/e-il-capitano-kirk-e-andato-nello-spazio-william-shatner-il-piu-anziano-uomo-che-sia-andato-in-orbita/ on Wed, 13 Oct 2021 15:54:40 +0000.