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Economic Scenarios

…. And CNN has to admit that Trump can legally win

Eventually even America's most Democratic and Liberal channel, CNN, has to face reality: Trump can legally and constitutional remain President of the United States.

Here is the intervention of the commentator Zakaria who must admit the existence of the eventuality:

What can happen is, in truth, simple and straightforward:

  • states where voting is contested have Republican-controlled elective chambers;
  • in the event of contested or chaotic voting, as is happening with postal voting disputes, the legislative assemblies may decide not to send representatives or to appoint them;
  • Biden's number of seats would drop below the 270 needed to be elected president;
  • at this point the decision would pass to the House of Representatives, where however these would NOT vote each with his vote, but by state. In this case the majority would be Republicans who would elect Trump;
  • the President would only have to accept the appointment.

The intervention of the Supreme Court would not be necessary either, so there would be no legal disputes at the highest level. We note that the legislative assemblies, with a republican majority, have already moved in this direction in Pennsylvania.

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The article …. And CNN has to admit that Trump can legally win comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/e-la-cnn-deve-ammettere-che-trump-puo-vincere-in-modo-legale/ on Sun, 29 Nov 2020 13:24:19 +0000.