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Anger and fraud: the latest from the USA, between protests and electoral messes

In the Italian mass media, the golden one who recognized Biden as president even before the elections, they forget to talk about the various protests, even spontaneous ones, that are being born in the USA due to the suspicion of electoral fraud.

A few examples:


Just follow the #stopthesteal thread and you will find dozens of them.


Wisconsin tellers – a state that Joe Biden won with just over 20,000 votes – have illegally filled out testimony certificates on thousands of invalid ballot papers across the state, according to WISN , citing multiple sources to "Dan O ' Donnell Show ".

According to the report, the Wisconsin Electoral Commission (WEC) ordered pollsters to "add a missing witness address" to the poll – while some pollsters went a step further by signing for nonexistent witnesses. By doing so, workers may have invalidated thousands of records.

County and city employees and pollsters across Wisconsin may have illegally altered witness statements on thousands of ballot papers statewide, the “Dan O'Donnell Show learned.

Wisconsin Statute 6.86 provides that an absence ballot must be signed by a witness, who must also list his or her address. If a witness's address is not listed, the ballot is considered invalid and must be returned to the voter for the witness to be corrected.

Instead, several sources say "The Dan O'Donnell Show," city clerks and tellers across the state simply filled out the signatures of witnesses. Acting on the false and illegal advice of the Wisconsin Electoral Commission (WEC), these employees may have inadvertently invalidated thousands of absent votes.

"The statute is very, very clear," said retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman – who served as a poll observer in Milwaukee on election day. "If an absentee ballot does not contain the speech of a witness, it is not valid." That ballot is not valid ”.

In the event of a recount then these cards in the absence would not be valid, and this could change the vote in a key state. This is just one of several cases that Trump or his supporters could potentially bring before the various courts of justice.

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The article Anger and fraud: the latest from the USA, between protests and electoral messes comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/rabbia-e-brogli-le-ultime-dagli-usa-fra-proteste-e-pasticci-elettorali/ on Mon, 09 Nov 2020 09:30:34 +0000.