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Attack or accident? Massive explosions at a Russian air base in Crimea

A few hours ago many people witnessed very strong explosions in a location corresponding to a Russian air base in Crimea, Ukrainian territory occupied by Moscow since 2014.

Here are some videos

The explosions are really impressive and people are running away from the beach. According to the first news leaked by the Russian Defense Ministry , it is not a Ukrainian attack, but the result of an accident related to aircraft ammunition. However, the Moscow Defense Ministry will hardly admit that it could be a successful Ukrainian attack, because it would be a sign of Russia's military weakness. Of course, even accidental explosions would be a sign of approximation. However, it does not appear that the anti-aircraft batteries have come into operation.

However, whatever the cause, the damage was certainly extensive, given the magnitude of the explosions, visible many kilometers away. here is a video showing mushroom smoke clouds

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The article Attack or Accident? Very strong explosions in a Russian air base in Crimea comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/attacco-o-incidente-esplosioni-fortissime-in-una-base-aerea-russa-in-crimea/ on Tue, 09 Aug 2022 14:32:48 +0000.