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Economic Scenarios

Bagnai: agreement on the Sostegni 2 Decree, some help for businesses

Bagnai talks about the latest developments of the “Sostegni Decree 2”, the DL which should contain various aids to reduce the fixed costs of companies. For example:

  • eliminating the personal income tax liability for rents not received;
  • postponing the dispatch of the tax bills for another month, then proposing a payment in installments;
  • eliminating a series of taxes and fees for those who cannot pay them, from the rai fee to the various municipal taxes such as Tosap, and postponement of the personal income tax to 39 September;
  • aid on the first lockdown period 2021.

However, Bagnai highlights how the presentation of the law was not allowed in the Commission, which would have allowed individual parties to highlight their political position. Opinions are made, but the discussion cannot be completed. Symbol of something that still does not work as it should

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The Bagnai article : agreement on the Sostegni 2 Decree, some help for businesses comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/bagnai-accordo-sul-decreto-sostegni-2-qualche-aiuto-per-le-imprese/ on Tue, 04 May 2021 07:00:19 +0000.