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Economic Scenarios

Bonaccini’s “Cetriolo” hits the health workers. Payroll cuts for “Heroes”

Heroes heroes, but I pay you less. This is the new motto of the governor of Emilia Romagna Bonaccini who "Cetriolizes" the workers of the health sector with cuts from 100 to 300 euros, according to what was denounced by the trade unions.

What happened? In the heart of the Covid-19 crisis, the Emilia Romagna region rushed to hire staff to strengthen the offer, but this also meant more people to pay. Too bad that two facts crossed that Bonaccini did not foresee, evidently:

  • more people means more salaries, therefore a greater allocation by the Region for their payment;
  • the Region has a budget constraint relating to health care expenses, but this, in theory, had to be overcome with transfers by the state;
  • The state, however, despite the promises of the Conte government, has not allocated an emeritus for nothing.

So the Conte government forgot, let's say, to give the financial resources to the Region. So, given that for the Stability Pact, more money could not be allocated for health care, the only solution is… to cut individual wages. So reduce wages for everyone.

A brilliant situation, according to the tactics of the ancient monasteries: the more friars the more the soup gets longer. Yet it would have been possible to avoid all this:

a) if the previous government had really allocated the necessary money to pay salaries, instead of spending only so many words;

c) if Bonaccini had foreseen this mysterious inconvenience, he could arrange, at least temporarily, the necessary covers. Of course it would have been IMPOSSIBLE for a regional administration to foresee that, if you hire more staff, you have to allocate more wages….

Maybe you could find the resources, making the social centers pay a rent for the occupied premises, or giving a review to the fake participations made only to hire people by circumventing public contracts. Maybe you could have predicted that something could go wrong, but it was too difficult. So in the end, the nurses and doctors "Heroes" will pay, but only in words.

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The article Il "Cetriolo" by Bonaccini hits the health workers. Payroll cuts for the “Heroes” comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-cetriolo-di-bonaccini-colpisce-i-sanitari-tagli-alle-buste-paga-peer-gli-eroi/ on Thu, 01 Apr 2021 13:55:58 +0000.