Economic Scenarios

Border controls return to the Netherlands. If the external borders cannot be controlled, the internal ones of the EU will be blocked

The Netherlands has announced it will reintroduce border controls within the EU from 9 December in a bid to manage illegal immigration. Another blow to the Schengen agreements.
The measure, proposed by the Minister of Asylum and Migration Marjolein Faber of Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom (PVV), was approved by the Council of Ministers and will be in force for six months.

This initiative aims to reduce irregular immigration in the Netherlands,” the government said in a press release .
“The transfer of people who do not meet the conditions for entering or staying in the Netherlands takes place on the basis of European regulations and existing agreements with member states, including Belgium and Germany,” he added.

“For four months I heard people saying around me: 'It's not allowed, it's not possible, it won't be done'. But I'm not discouraged. I am the minister who is taking concrete measures to really tackle migration. We must do everything necessary ,” Faber said in a speech to the Dutch Parliament last week.

The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, responsible for these checks, will give priority to minimizing disruption to economic and commuting traffic, especially in border regions, and will focus checks at airports on specific flights deemed to be at highest risk of illegal migration or crime cross-border.

Border of the Netherlands

EU law requires the Netherlands to inform the European Commission, other EU member states and the European Parliament of the temporary measure.

The Netherlands' action mirrors similar decisions taken by several EU countries, including Germany, Austria, France and Denmark, all of which have implemented or extended temporary border controls in response to increased migration flows and concerns about safety.

Germany began six-month checks on September 16, requiring all individuals entering from neighboring countries to undergo screening. Austria, France and Denmark have introduced selective controls, with Denmark citing terrorism and organized crime threats from Germany as triggers.

The Dutch government stressed that the reintroduction of controls is an “exceptional and temporary measure”, which will be conducted within the capabilities of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee and in close coordination with neighboring states.
The checks may be gradually extended based on operational needs and will conclude by mid-2025, unless renewed or extended.

However, it appears clear that an EU without internal borders cannot be guaranteed until individual countries are given the possibility of protecting external ones, i.e. Italy, Spain, Greece and Eastern countries the ability to expel irregular migrants without problems . The choice is between National States with "Hard" borders and a community that manages external borders in a "Hard" way and can therefore afford internal "Soft" borders. But someone will have to explain it to the judges of Rome…

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The article Border controls return to the Netherlands. If the external borders cannot be controlled, the internal ones of the EU are blocked comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL on Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:00:30 +0000.