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Economic Scenarios

Calenda: “If I introduce myself to the Mayor of Rome, I’m a scoundrel.” Indeed…

Life is a strange thing and sometimes it leads you to make choices you didn't foresee. however, at the same time, consistency would like that, if one makes an absolute proclamation, then one comes to respect it at any cost. Can you imagine Garibaldi shouting “Here is Italy made or we die” and then, perhaps, sends an officer to negotiate with the Bourbons? Or Julius Caesar who says "The die is cast" and then, after a month, goes back to Cisalpine Gaul?

Then there are those who change their minds every five minutes, depending on what Guicciardini called “My particular”, their own personal interest, as iridescent as a feather in the wind. Nothing bad in itself, but this risks having devastating repercussions on the image ..

Here is Calenda who, in an event with Rutelli, two years ago, said that if he had presented himself as mayor of Rome he would have been a scoundrel.

Indeed. even after 24 months (not even a geological era)….

Among other things, after months in which his candidacy was in and out of the media.

Calenda is not a scoundrel. we leave this word to the worst of the prevailing Piddinism. He is simply a simple person who cannot assess the evolution of fate and the political and economic situation. A major flaw for those who want to manage the largest Italian city….

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The Calenda article : "If I introduce myself as Mayor of Rome, I'm a scoundrel." In fact… it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/calenda-se-mi-presento-a-sindaco-di-roma-sono-un-cialtrone-infatti/ on Mon, 19 Oct 2020 12:40:10 +0000.