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Capezzone, one of the most lucid political commentators

One of the best, and most experienced, Italian political commentators is Daniele Capezzone. Today at Rete4 he gave his best. Who won and who lost? Surely those who DO NOT govern 15 regions out of 20 have lost. The center-right must rethink certain choices, such as that of the candidate in Puglia, and perhaps revise a bit of a unipersonal political offer. We add, we cannot base everything on Salvini….

Now there should be a reflection and a path of union of the M5s and the PD, to make a united center-left, and an evolution of the united center-right.

Capezzone rightly points out that the choice of Ceccardi and her performance are not a defeat, when she manages to practically double the numbers of Borghi in the previous elections, forcing the PD to campaign. On the other hand, something obviously did not work with the Apulian candidate. As we say, the heated soups never bring good, indeed in this case they are real tombstones on the candidates.

De Luca was a sheriff, he used violent methods and tones that, said by a member of the CDX, would have caused indignation. That's fine with him, but, after the sheriff's methods, let the people of Campania also look at the lists for examinations in hospitals. Because those who are well also have an easy game to be treated in Rome or Milan.

Opssss, however, the CDX is the majority at 49.8% and the CSX is 10 points behind. The CDX is an absolute majority, even if in Puglia it made a glaring mistake in choosing the candidate. In the meantime, however, FdI is above the Five Star Movement and the League is the first party….

On the referendum, a bad election campaign that spoke only of the number of deputies and not of state reform. A missed opportunity, however.

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The Capezzone article , one of the most lucid political commentators, comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/capezzone-uno-dei-piu-lucidi-commentatori-politici/ on Mon, 21 Sep 2020 21:09:39 +0000.