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Company First Aid Course: why it is important

The first aid course is very important to be able to carry out life-saving maneuvers aimed at saving the lives of third parties. The law provides for the obligation to take the course for all Italian companies that have at least one employee or a working partner.

Taking the course does not only mean fulfilling the rules and obligations of the law but, as expected of any member of a community, it allows to guarantee the safety of colleagues and employers.

Thanks to the first aid course it is possible to access the basic notions necessary to face any emergency situation, both in everyday life and in the workplace, to be carried out while waiting for specialized medical personnel. Attending a company first aid course and knowing how to act in emergency situations is very important and allows you to make the difference between the life and death of a third person.

What is the company first aid course?

This is a program imposed by law for companies that must also follow all the safety rules established by the Consolidated Law on Safety , according to which companies are obliged to proceed with the appointment of a first aid officer, able to guarantee health and safety of all personnel during everyday life and, in particular, in emergency situations.

The appointment of the first aid officer must take into account certain requirements, including the physical and emotional aspects of the person. The employer, together with the consultation of the company competent doctor , must establish who can be the figure in charge of company first aid and must take charge of his training.

The regulation of first aid in the company is also given by the Ministerial Decree n. 388 of 15 July 2003 , which provides all the references to follow for the training of first aid officers.

How a first aid course is structured

The course provides a general overview of all the steps necessary to deal with emergency situations and various critical issues, starting with the timely actions to be taken to save life due to cardiac arrest, shock, convulsions, allergic reactions and asthma attacks, up to the actions to be carried out to create a better physical condition while waiting for help.

During the first aid course, the following issues are addressed in detail:

  • How to recognize an emergency ;
  • How to alert professional rescuers;
  • How to carry out first aid actions;
  • What are the risks of any intervention carried out on a victim.

The first aid course is divided into 3 groups:

  1. Group A : a course lasting 16 hours, dedicated to industrial companies that are subject to the obligation of declaration or notification, characterized by more than 5 employees who have an accident rate of permanent disability higher than 4% and to companies with more of 4 employees in the agricultural sector with permanent contracts. The update takes place every 3 years and includes 6 hours of training.
  2. Group B : a 12-hour course, dedicated to companies with at least 3 employees not belonging to group A. The update takes place every 3 years and includes 4 hours of training.
  3. Group C : 12 hours of courses, dedicated to companies with less than 3 employees and workers. The updating methods are the same as for group B.

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The article Company First Aid Operators Course: why it is Important comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/corso-addetti-primo-soccorso-aziendale-perche-e-importante/ on Thu, 25 Nov 2021 01:00:59 +0000.