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CONTE CANNOT BUY GEL EVEN: the tragicomic story of the direct purchases of Palazzo Chigi

Time reveals to us a story that would be comical if it weren't tragic, and that indicates how the Prime Minister, which in words should lead Italy, in reality does not even know how to buy gel to disinfect hands.

A quick history:

  • end of February – Palazzo Chigi, with the motto of “First Conte, then the Italians” decides to stock up on masks, hand gel, gloves and PPE for internal use;
  • for the gel we are looking NOT a large company in the sector, but a micro-company which, by chance, is from Foggia, Cherichem Biopharm of Cerignola, a company with a turnover of 75'0 thousand euros. That he is from the same province of origin as Conte is purely coincidental …
  • the Cherichem would be owned by two people who, with the tax authorities, do not get along so much that the shares are frozen by the Revenue Agency. However, the turnover of the PdC also helps in this, allowing it to be unlocked. Then Conte goes on TV to thunder against the tax evaders;
  • the disinfectant gel is sent on March 5, followed by other orders on April 17 and June 4;
  • on 9 April, the Cherichem gel was seized by the Guardia di Finanza because it was not certified. Certification will arrive, but only on September 21st. The fact is that the Presidency of the Council supplied itself with a Gel not certified by the ASL and that, in theory, it should not have bought….

A ridiculous story, which does not explain why the Prime Minister, shouting “First Count, then the Italians”, did not turn to more ordinary channels to buy the disinfectant gel. Did he have to wait for some relatives to warn him of the Cherichem's existence? Mysteries of Foggia ..

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The article CONTE CANNOT BUY EVEN GEL: the tragicomic story of the direct purchases of Palazzo Chigi. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/conte-non-sa-comprare-neppure-il-gel-la-tragicomica-vicenda-degli-acquisti-diretti-di-palazzo-chigi/ on Wed, 30 Sep 2020 07:30:20 +0000.