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CureVac 47% effective: now even the Germans have their own vaccine can

Even the Germans have their anticovid-19 vaccine, completely theirs, too bad it's a useless bin. The vaccine, created and developed by the German company CureVac, proved effective in only 47% of cases, all tested in a large trial. A disappointing result that could highlight the challenge posed by the variants of the virus.

The results of the 40,000-person trial, announced in Wednesday's press release, mark a setback for a promising vaccine based on messenger RNA technology, the same approach underlying Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines licensed late last year. for use in the United States.

Trials in 10 countries in Latin America and Europe will continue and a final result is not expected until the end of June. The CureVac vaccine is of fundamental importance to Europe, which has pre-ordered 225 million doses, with the possibility of purchasing another 180 million. What do we do now?

"While we were hoping for a stronger interim result, we recognize that demonstrating high efficacy in this unprecedented wide diversity of variants is a challenge," Curevac CEO Franz-Werner Haas said in a statement. The variants are the children of mass vaccination developed in such an early way, that we can say that Curevac was the victim of a selection made by Pfizer and Moderna. The company with the motto “The RNA people” risks becoming the company with The unemployed people ”.

A year ago the German government bought a stake of CureVac for 300 million, precisely with the aim of developing a German-only vaccine in a company that could not be prey to the acquisitions of the big Big Pharma groups. CureVac had been very adept at selling itself as a pioneer in the industry and also bragging about a millionaire bid from the bad Trump to take control. A bad deal for the German government, as you can see from the price chart at the announcement of the Trial results

The value of the shares has halved within minutes, and thus the value of half the investment of the German state has evaporated. After all, what good is a company that produces vaccines if its products are not effective?

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The article CureVac 47% effective: now even the Germans have their vaccine-bin comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/curevac-efficace-al-47-ora-anche-i-tedeschi-hanno-il-loro-vaccino-bidone/ on Thu, 17 Jun 2021 07:00:56 +0000.