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Economic Scenarios

Disability paid only by complete inactivity. This is how the primary budget is balanced.

Minister Franco announced a balanced state primary budget (revenue – expenditure, net of interest) in 2024, with a squeezing of expenditure and an increase in revenue. Then we begin to work in this sense. INPS announced that, in strict application of a sentence of the Court of Cassation relating to article 13 of law no. 118, as amended by article 1, paragraph 35, of law no. 247, the disability allowance will cease to anyone who receives a working income: in fact, for the receipt of the allowance, total inactivity becomes an essential element. So any income, even minimal, is no longer compatible with the check.

The relative communication is dated October 14th, therefore, between now and the end of the year, an audience of disabled people who, in any case, managed to receive a minimum income, perhaps marginal for carrying out some temporary activity, will lose this integration. If the disability allowance were truly an economic fortune, then it could be the right choice, but it is less than a thousand euros a month gross, which means, for many people, having to tighten the belt even more. Furthermore, there will certainly be an impact on the personal dignity of the disabled, officially only a social burden.

After all, as written in the introduction, Finance Minister Daniele Franco has committed to achieving a primary budget balance for 2024. There is still a long way to go to fill the gap:

These are various points of GDP of higher income and lower expenditure. On the revenue side we have recourse to the revision of the cadastral estimates, which invariably will lead to some form of increase in indirect taxes, as well as to non-lucid pressures, as noted by the excellent Liturri, for greater taxation of capital gains. From the point of view of the outings we will proceed with the usual social surgery, in this case to the detriment of the disabled. But this will only be the first step.

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The article Invalidity paid only by complete inactivity. This is how the primary budget balance is reached .. it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/invalidita-pagata-solo-da-inattivita-lavorativa-completa-ecco-come-si-raggiunge-il-pareggio-di-bilancio-primario/ on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 09:00:12 +0000.