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Economic Scenarios

Do you accept fracking? Take money. The new British policy to increase natural gas production

According to media reports on Monday , British households could soon receive cash payments for allowing fracking gas in their areas.

Last month the UK lifted its long-standing ban on fracking, but the mining industry still has one major hurdle to overcome: local opposition.

Fracking has been criticized for its links to earthquakes and other environmental damage and has fallen into disuse. The tarnished reputation of this practice has led to its ban in several countries, including France, Germany, Spain and, until recently, the UK. now the hunger for gas is however overcoming these oppositions.

Despite its pariah status, fracking has managed to find its way into the hearts and minds of Texans, to become the basis for the rise of the United States to the fore of the global oil and gas industry. Fracking was able to breach the shale zone of the United States precisely because locals benefited from the fracking activity by receiving money from oil and gas taxes collected by the states, which then flowed into the areas that allowed it. .

There is no denying that these areas have benefited greatly from fracking dollars. Now Britain is also taking a cue from the US shale manual: it will pay families £ 1,000 for allowing fracking in their areas. But the money will come directly from the drillers rather than from industry tax revenues. So British gas producers will soon be going house to house offering much-appreciated financial help in exchange for supporting mining.

This would be the effect of the government's choice towards this technique: when the new British Prime Minister Liz Truss lifted the ban on fracking last month, she did so with a caveat: it would only be allowed in communities showing at least 50 % supporting. Drivers must now get half of the residents in favor of the controversial practice in order to start drilling.

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Article Do you accept fracking? Take money. The new British policy to increase natural gas production comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/accetti-il-fracking-prendi-i-soldi-la-nuova-politica-inglese-per-aumentare-la-produzione-di-gas-naturale/ on Tue, 11 Oct 2022 07:00:55 +0000.