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Drones banned at the Tex-Mex border so you don’t see the tens of thousands of legal immigrants arriving

A scandal also involves the Federal Aviation Administration, the US aviation administration, which issued a ban on flying drones under a bridge in southern Texas where tens of thousands of illegal migrants who have just entered the US have accumulated. .

Over 9000 illegal migrants, coming from different areas in the south and central America, from Guatemala to Venezuela, have been herded by the authorities under this highway bridge. This is the effect of a massive increase in illegal border crossings. So what do you do, so as not to alarm the population and give the Republicans a further boost? It is forbidden to show the images in question with any instrument.

The FAA issued the warning on Sept. 16 announcing that temporary flight restrictions were in place that prevented all unmanned aircraft, such as drones, from flying over the area until Sept. 30, citing "special security reasons."

According to the notice, the Department of Defense (DOD), Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) can take action against anyone who fails to comply with the temporary ban, including the destruction of unmanned aircraft if deemed to post a credible security or security threat.

The ban prevents local and international media from capturing aerial footage and images showing the site's conditions. This is a real censorship of internal and international sources of information.

The protests naturally started. South Carolina Republican Senator John Kennedy said Friday that this FAA ban is fulfilling the Biden administration's goal of hiding the "madness" of its "open border" policy.

"I think the reason they are limiting the use of drones is because they don't want the American public to know, and I think this is illegal," Kennedy told Fox & Friends.

“I'm sure some are people who want to come to America for a better life. That is fine. I'm proud of it, but that's why we have a legal immigration system, ”Kennedy continued, arguing that many of the migrants trying to enter the United States. they are criminals, child predators, drug dealers and terrorists.

"The idea of ​​saying that anyone who wants to enter can enter is madness and the American people do not support it, which is why the Biden administration is preventing the use of drones."

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The article Drones banned at the Tex-Mex border so you don't see the tens of thousands of legal immigrants arriving comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/droni-vietati-al-confine-tex-mex-cosi-non-si-vedono-le-decine-di-migliaia-di-immigrati-legali-che-arrviano/ on Fri, 17 Sep 2021 17:12:23 +0000.