Economic Scenarios

Elections in Ireland: the European trend which sees the Greens in decline is confirmed

Political elections for the Dail, the Irish Chamber of Deputies, were held, and the results partly show how even Ireland, which politically is a bit of an exception in the European political panorama, nevertheless follows certain general trends.

Ireland is an exception because there is no political right: traditionally the most conservative positions were linked to the British presence, so they literally no longer exist. There are in Northern Ireland, the seven counties still linked to London, but not in the South.

The results are as follows, although there are still uncertainties about individual votes:

Sinn Fein, the party that was once the political arm of the IRA and which we could define as "left-wing populist", sees its position reduced, and so do the liberals of Fianna Fàail. Fianna Gael, part of the European EPP, maintains its position.

What is interesting, however, is the fact that the Greens almost halved, going from 7% to 4%.

In sharp decline, which reverses a growth trend that began in 2016, but which sees the island moving in coherence with other European countries such as Germany and France. Evidently the expensive and extremist Green policies and open borders policies have tired even there.

Sinn Fein however has shrunk, as we can see from the graph below:

In this case the left-wing but traditionalist party is reduced from 24.5% to 21%, in this case paying for the fact that the government is solidly based on the agreement between Fianna Fail and Fianna Gàel, and this has reduced the relevance of the opposition. Sinn Fein pays not for having made a mistake, but for not being sufficiently influential, and therefore the protest vote goes elsewhere, or results in abstention.

The funny thing confirmed by this election is that the Greens, who are turning out to be the European losers, are still called to be part of the majority that supports Von Der Leyen, confirming that an idea democratically rejected is always queen in the EU.

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The article Elections in Ireland: the European trend that sees the Greens declining is confirmed comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 08:00:54 +0000.