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EU – Poland clash: Warsaw has every reason. The VDL comes to terms with it

Today the Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki appeared in front of the European Parliament, gathered according to the wishes of socialists, greens and liberals, as a kind of European bureaucratic "People's Court". He chose himself democratically.

Morawiecki made a wide-ranging speech , linked to the economy, migratory challenges, threats external to the EU, but also internal, above all due to the will of the Commission and Parliament to impose their own decisions and the dry response of the Polish Constitutional Court to place its constitutional norms at a higher level than European law. His speech was clear and limpid from this point of view:

  • the nation states are the primary basis of law with their own constitutions, and the EU, not being a state, cannot be the primary source of law;
  • there have been numerous rulings of supreme courts over the years, especially French and German, which have affirmed the superiority of constitutional rights, from 1974 until the very recent 2021.

If these pronouncements have always been accepted, because now the one of the Polish court is being rejected, with threats, expressed by Von Der Leyen and other leaders of the commission and of the Parliament, who are at the limit, if not beyond, of blackmail, in the style of the “Either you fold or I don't give you the European money”. All this only for a political question, because the political majority in Warsaw does not align itself with the new majority of RE (Liberals), Greens and Social Democrats that is emerging in Brussels and that is ousting an important part of the Popular Party, reduced to doing the water bearer.

Moreover, as even a pro-European site such as Politico notes, if European countries had really wanted the superiority of European law over the constitutional law of individual countries, they could have done so directly in the treaties, approving the Constitutional one of Nice, which provided for the constitutional superiority of Brussels, not the most watered-down of Lisbon.

The attack on Poland will continue in parliament, but for now there is no talk of Polexit. Perhaps a downsizing of Brussels, also desired by some sections of the EPP, would be the best solution.

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The article Clash between the EU and Poland: Warsaw has every reason. The VDL comes to mind if it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/scontro-ue-polonia-varsavia-ha-tutte-le-ragioni-la-vdl-se-ne-faccia-una-ragione/ on Tue, 19 Oct 2021 10:49:04 +0000.