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Economic Scenarios


New problems for Emanuel Macron, but this time he is looking for them. Thousands of protesters gathered in Paris to protest against the bill, presented last Thursday, according to which it will no longer be possible to disseminate photos or footage of the police in action without hiding their faces, under penalty of a fine of up to 45,000 euros. . The proposal was read not as a protection of the privacy of the police, but as the desire to hide their misdeeds, even because the law affects both ordinary citizens and journalists.

The demonstrations saw thousands of people in the square in Paris, with the launch of numerous high-intensity smoke bombs and continued throughout the day.

The demonstrations alternated clashes and moments of great tension, with others less tense with even the policemen who voluntarily took off their helmets in front of the demonstrators.

Given the economic and social tensions linked to Covid-19, the need was not felt to sharpen them with a decision that, frankly, is wrong in terms of timing and content. There are dozens of videos on police violence, and the Covid-19 emergency would have required addressing other problems. Unless Macron wants to cause these demonstrations to distract from the failures of his health policy.

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The article FRANCE ON FIRE AGAINST THE MACRON POLICE-SAVING LAW comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/francia-in-fiamme-contro-la-legge-salva-polizia-di-macron/ on Sun, 22 Nov 2020 07:00:17 +0000.