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France: two large unions of firefighters and health workers to strike against the obligation to vaccinate

Two large unions, the first from the fire brigade and the second from the health sector, have decided to go on strike against the vaccination obligation imposed by the French government, judged to be unconstitutional.

One of the leading professional firefighters' unions , the FA SPP-PATS, announced Wednesday that it had filed a national and indefinite strike notice since Monday to protest the mandatory vaccination of firefighters. "The bill relating to the management of the health emergency, which provides in particular and under penalty of mandatory vaccination for firefighters, violates the Constitution", announces the union indignantly, which hopes that this provision will be censored by the Constitutional Council today, Thursday 5th August.

"We will see (Thursday) what the words of the Constitutional Council will be and the office will decide what actions to take," André Goretti, spokesman for the union, told AFP.

Even the union of hospitals and health workers, SUD Sante Sociaux, has called for a strike and protests against the measure which it has labeled as "a new attack on labor law".

According to the Macron government rule, health workers and some categories, such as firefighters, only have time until September 15 to obtain a vaccination, which at this point has become mandatory. In recent days, massive street demonstrations against this measure and that of the mandatory Green Pass in public places have continued. On Sunday there were over 200,000 people in various French cities. Perhaps, by force, the Macron government will be able to apply these rules, but its prestige is increasingly marked.

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The article France: two large firefighters and health unions to strike against the vaccination obligation comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/francia-due-grandi-sindati-di-pompieri-e-santiari-allo-sciopero-contro-lobbligo-vaccinale/ on Thu, 05 Aug 2021 06:00:36 +0000.