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Economic Scenarios

France: when less than half of the voters support parliamentary democracy, then there is a problem

In France, social and political cohesion is rapidly breaking down. A series of political polls shows the profound unease of French society which no longer believes in its own parliamentary political system., As can be seen from the results of this large poll (12 thousand people interviewed) by Ipsos Sopra Steria published by Le Monde

Only 44% of French still believe in representative parliamentary democracy. 37% would like some form of direct democracy, even if we then know how its implementation is anything but simple. We have 19% of the French who would then not oppose a government of a dictatorial nature, be it personal, we would say Napoleonic, technocratic and even a military junta.

After all, the discontent is enormous in France, as indicated by another survey which instead shows the current degree of satisfaction of the French.

Only 6% of French people feel close to a satisfied France, while 58% are discontented, but not angry and 36% say they are angry. We have over 1/3 of the French who are extremely unhappy with the current situation.

These are the results obtained after years of a sort of macronist technocratic dictatorship, which has always been very skilled in manipulating the ruling classes and politics, and increasingly distant from the everyday reality of the French. France is boiling and it is evident that an important part of the French no longer feel represented by their own system of government. Democracy is increasingly fragile, but the blame lies with a system that has rewarded technocrats and punished politicians. A bit like in Italy.

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The article France: when less than half of the voters support parliamentary democracy, then there is a problem comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/francia-quando-meno-della-meta-degli-elettori-appoggia-la-democrazia-parlamentare-allora-ce-un-problema/ on Wed, 05 Oct 2022 10:47:08 +0000.