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From nothing to nothing. The parabolic journey of Giuseppe Conte, the premier who betrayed the Italians

“Memento homo, quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris” used to say the priests of the past, those who did their job well by remembering the fleetingness of the things of the world. Today they could say "Remember that you are all Giuseppe Conte: from nothing you come and nothing will return to being", because this was the parable of the premier who betrayed the Italians, and with him of the movement that blindly supported him.

Yesterday in the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee the name Craxi was heard again, Stefania in this case, elected president of the commission in place of the pentastellato Petrocelli, guilty of not having sufficiently "believed, obeyed and fought" against Russia. Petrocelli was already nothing, and always has been, except for the final flicker, but the interesting thing is that Ettore Licheri, a candidate for the M5s and supported by Conte, was soundly beaten in the secret vote by the daughter of the late socialist leader. Thus the current leader of the "Maggior Italian party", with 34% of the votes, discovered that he did not count for anything.

Of course now the usual complaint about the change of majority, the lack of loyalty etc will start, but the dust cannot command. The dust is bound to be swept off the furniture with the duvets and dispersed into the air. Conte was the expression of a libertarian, strongly democratic, Eurosceptic movement. Instead, he was the expression of the five-star involution towards the opposite: a blind and senseless Europeanism, an autocratic and authoritarian vision of power, which was seen at work in the lockdowns, the contempt for democracy, whether direct or not, which it had to be their lifeblood. then the deadly embrace with the PD, which represents everything that did not want to be the M5s. Now, after having disintegrated their foundations, they realize that they are collapsing and become rubble and dust again.

A big broom will pass in nine months at the latest. We don't know what it will bring, maybe just new dust, but it will definitely take away the old one.

PS: Dear Giuseppi, are you sure that Giggino got your candidate to vote?

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The article From nothing to nothing. The parabolic journey of Giuseppe Conte, the premier who betrayed the Italians comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/dal-nulla-al-nulla-il-parabolico-viaggio-di-giuseppe-conte-il-premier-che-ha-tradito-gli-italiani/ on Thu, 19 May 2022 10:00:53 +0000.