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FUEL EMERGENCY: Ukraine limits the passage from the Druzbha pipeline. We will have dry countries

Russian oil exports via the Druzhba pipeline via Ukraine were suspended in early August due to a problem with transit tax payments, Russian news agency Interfax reported Tuesday, citing a statement from the operator. Russian oil pipeline Transneft.

The southern branch of the Druzhba pipeline from Russia to Europe passes through Ukraine and the oil is delivered to refineries in Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The northern branch of the pipeline crosses Belarus and transports oil to Poland and Germany. The transit of oil from Russia through the northern branch of the Druzhba pipeline continues, according to Interfax.

Transneft says the reason for the suspension of oil pipeline exports through Ukraine is that the payment made on July 22 to Ukraine's Ukrtransnafta for August transit tariffs failed and was returned to the Ukrainian Ukrtransnafta. account of Transneft on 28 July.

"The situation is complicated because European regulators have not yet reached a unified position on how banks should act in various jurisdictions, and they have not even developed a process for issuing permits," says Transneft, quoted by Interfax.

Therefore, Russian oil exports via Ukraine were stopped on August 4, the company added.

The suspension of Russian oil exports via the pipeline opens another confrontation between Russia and the EU over Russian energy supplies to Europe.

In announcing the Russian oil import embargo, which will go into effect at the end of this year, the EU has excluded imports of Russian crude oil and petroleum products via pipeline because several landlocked countries, such as Hungary , the Czech Republic and Slovakia, are heavily dependent on oil pipeline supplies from Russia. EU Member States dependent on Russian pipelines have been granted a temporary exemption for importing Russian crude oil via pipeline until the Council of the EU decides otherwise, but have not been allowed to resell such crude oil and products. oil to other Member States or third countries.

Now it is Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia that have their supplies cut from Russia, but this is due to Ukraine. Without considering that for countries such as Hungary and the Czech Republic this situation risks being extremely dangerous and endangering fuel supplies. while Germany and Poland are not affected by the Ukrainian blockade, or in any case have the possibility of supplies also by sea, the internal countries of Central Europe are not.

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The article FUEL EMERGENCY: Ukraine limits the passage from the Druzbha pipeline. We will have dry countries comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/emergenza-carburanti-lucraina-limita-il-passaggio-dalloleodotto-druzbha-avremo-dei-paesi-a-secco/ on Tue, 09 Aug 2022 19:13:25 +0000.